Kevin Patterson wrote:
> Now the bad news: I can't figure out how to get a Record if the GUID 
> is not present. The one I need is in OLE. When I use the Visual C++ 
> browser, I can see that the GUID struct is defined, but there is no 
> GUID for the GUID struc (ironic huh :))

This path is going to lead nowhere.  A GUID is not a COM record.  There 
is no IID for the GUID data type.  The GUID struct is defined in 
stdole2.tlb, which has IID {00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}, but I 
don't think that's enough.

Let's step back for a moment.  What are you actually trying to do?  
GetInterface is usually only called internally by QueryInterface, and 
there are usually other ways to get one interface from another in Python.

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