Hello all,

I am developing an application that, amongst other things, exports files
and then launches them in their associated applications using
os.startfile. It also uses webbrowser.open, which I see uses

Everything works on my PC and on all the other PCs in the office that I
have tested on. However, when we released our first version, a few users
reported unhandled exceptions that seem to be coming from os.startfile.
Here are some examples:

Traceback (most recent call last): 
  File "link_planner\wxapp\main_frame.pyc", line 1505, in _on_csv 
  File "link_planner\utils\platform_win32.pyc", line 17, in openfile 
WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified:

Traceback (most recent call last): 
  File "link_planner\wxapp\main_frame.pyc", line 1528, in
  File "link_planner\utils\platform_win32.pyc", line 17, in openfile 
WindowsError: [Error -2147024809] The parameter is incorrect:

Traceback (most recent call last): 
  File "link_planner\wxapp\html_window.pyc", line 7, in OnLinkClicked 
  File "link_planner\wxapp\about_frame.pyc", line 41, in
  File "webbrowser.pyc", line 60, in open 
  File "webbrowser.pyc", line 516, in open 
WindowsError: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified:

In the last instance, the user said the problem went away when he
changed his default browser from firefox to IE, so it may be a red
herring, but I'd like to be sure. In the first two cases, I use
tempfile.mkstemp to generate the temporary files, so I am fairly sure
that they exist.

I've searched for any information about similar issues, and this is what
I've found:

This guy sounds like he has exactly the same problem, but there is no
solution given:

This recipe describes os.startfile failing for URLs:
It includes a link to another page saying that ShellExecute doesn't work
from a multi-threaded apartment. I don't think that is my problem here,
as I am not using multiple threads, and I'm not (as far as I am aware)
using COM anywhere. I made a quick test, and the error message I get is
different: WindowsError: [Error 14007] The requested lookup key was not
found in any active activation context: 'http://www.python.org'.

I think my next step is going to be reimplementing os.startfile in
python and adding more logging, but I just wondered whether anyone else
had ever had problems with os.startfile? BTW, all this is from Python
2.5.1, but the application has been packaged using py2exe, in case that
makes a difference.

Thanks a lot for any suggestions,

Simon King
python-win32 mailing list

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