Tim Golden wrote:
> King Simon-NFHD78 wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > 
> > I am developing an application that, amongst other things, 
> exports files
> > and then launches them in their associated applications using
> > os.startfile. It also uses webbrowser.open, which I see uses
> > os.startfile.
> > 
> > Everything works on my PC and on all the other PCs in the 
> office that I
> > have tested on. However, when we released our first 
> version, a few users
> > reported unhandled exceptions that seem to be coming from 
> os.startfile.
> > Here are some examples:
> [... snipped ...]
> Unless someone comes in with something more authoritative, here
> are a few avenues to try:

Hi Tim,

Thanks a lot for responding.

> 1) According to this:
> http://groups.google.co.uk/group/microsoft.public.platformsdk.
> shell/msg/943b9844d480b029
> ShellExecute on a URL invokes a shell extension handler which 
> will operate
> in apartment threading mode. (ie you're using COM whether you 
> like it or
> not). Exactly how this affects your situation I'm sure I 
> couldn't say, especially
> since you seem to have tried that route and you're not 
> specifying  a COM
> threading model.

I built the example code from that thread, and was able to get
ShellExecute to fail by using COINIT_MULTITHREADED, but

A) It only failed for URLs - launching a .txt file seemed to work either

B) When it did fail, the error message was the same as the one I was
getting in python - "The requested lookup key was not found in any
active activation context." I don't think this is my problem.

> 2) Is there any kind of consistency? ie does one user always 
> fail on .csv while
> another fails on .kml? I'm sure this is stuff you'll have 
> gone over yourself; I'm
> just trying to eliminate unknowns. I tried the obvious lack 
> of associations and
> that comes up with a different message.

I need to investigate this further. Remote debugging via email, with
users in different time zones, is a slow process :-)

> 3) os.startfile basically just calls ShellExecute with the 
> appropriate params. As
> an alternative, you could use FindExecutable from the 
> win32api module of the
> pywin32 extensions, coupled with subprocess.call. Something like this:
> <code>
> import win32api
> import subprocess
> FILENAME = "c:/temp/test.csv"
> _, exename = win32api.FindExecutable (FILENAME)
> subprocess.call ([exename, FILENAME])
> </code>
> Workaround, undoubtedly, and it won't work for URLs, but at 
> least it might take you 
> somewhere if you can't get the other thing working.

Thanks a lot for this - I may well end up using it. I have a slight
worry that it won't work in the face of "funny" ways of opening
documents (ie. DDE), but it'll be easy enough to find out.

Thanks again for your help,


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