Trent Mick wrote:
> Mike Driscoll wrote:
>> Will the tags make it easier or harder to find stuff? I've had 
>> problems finding recipes on there because I used one general term and 
>> the "chef" used a different general or specific term. I'm not sure 
>> how that could be fixed though.
> Certainly I think basic tagging support for the Python Cookbook will 
> help over the static set of categories in use now.
> It is a valid point, tho. This is a common problem for all sites that 
> use free-form tagging for categorization. My (limited) experience is 
> that some popular tags eventually coalesce -- i.e. people settle on 
> one tag name for one kind of thing.
> Full-text search is, obviously, that partner to this that can help 
> with finding what you are looking for. For example, I would expect 
> that the vast majority of recipes dealing with PyWin32 would have the 
> words "Python", "Windows" and maybe "win32" in them so a search on 
> those words would tend to hit the recipes you are looking for.
> Trent
That's true. I just seem to always hit the weird corner cases and end up 
screwing around the entire afternoon looking for something that should 
have been obvious from the beginning. Usually in retrospect, it WAS 
obvious, but not to me.

I'm sure it's not your company's fault and I didn't mean to imply that. 
If I did, I apologize.

Thanks for the updates. I look forward to using them.

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