Tim Golden wrote:
I have a request of the python-win32 community. Have a look at:


In particular, click through to the section on the Registry (which is the only section which has anything useful in it!)
and then tell me what you think. About anything. The contents,
the style, the colours, the colors, the depth of examples, the
notes. What should be there? What shouldn't? How much overlap
there should be with other sources of documentation? How much
should just be links across? Should I reproduce the pywin32 docs
verbatim. (Difficult: I've got a branch which is trying. Very trying).

Points to bear in mind:

 * This is very alpha
 * I'm using Sphinx but I've done very little with its capabilities
* The examples I've put together work: you can drop them straight onto an interpreter window and run them. But is that a desirable goal.
 * My intention is that this be a community effort. (The source is actually
hosted at Google Code).
 * This URL (probably) won't be its final resting place.

In particular, it will be very clear as you read that I'm 100% sure where I'm going with it yet. But at the very least I want lots of examples which, even in passing, semi-document the kind of stuff which people ask about
on python-win32 and python-list.

Enough babble from me. Have a look.



On my monitors the blue links look "fuzzy".

Table of contents blue on blue is hard for me to read.

While I'm not crazy about the pink background, that is probably a personal preference.

-Larry Bates

(Windows XP Pro, running dual monitors at 1600 x 1200).

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