Hi Mark

 Pedantic side-note: best I can tell, all the compilers are x86 binaries, so
> even on a 64bit OS, we are still cross-compiling :)

You are of course correct, I should have said I am developing on a 64 bit

> Grab the source .zip for build 211 now it is fresh, but otherwise, a work
> around would be to update CVS from home, then run "setup.py sdist" and move
> the resulting .zip file to work.

Spotted that and thanks for the setup  tip, I also spotted there is a 2.6 64
bit build this seemed to install ok with python 2.6 ok, so I will probably
just use that. What compiler was used for this package?

> I agree for 32bit builds, but IMO the 64 bit builds are somewhat different
> -
> the lack of 64bit binaries for most python 2.5 extensions implies to me
> that
> x64 on 2.6 isn't any risker; particularly when talking about 2.5 builds
> using an "unsupported" compiler.  From pywin32's POV, I'm quite certain
> more
> people are testing x64 using 2.6 builds than 2.5.

Point duly noted, I will examine 2.6 instead then and see how it goes. SO
long as I can get all the tests running without any problems then I will be
happy, and by the time we deploy it looks like 2.6 should be pretty much

Thanks again,

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