Mark Hammond wrote:
import win32ui
app = win32ui.GetApp()
<pywin.framework.editor.color.coloreditor.SyntEditDocument instance at

Obviously lots of GetParent() calls - in the real world you would loop until
you hit a frame window.

Hope this helps,

It is a great starter. I now have a program that opens 5 files with the windows where I want them.

Questions follow - please answer only as much as you have time and energy for:

I'd like to have this program run each time I start the IDE. How do I do that?

I'd also like to save window settings when I close the IDE. How do I capture the quit event? How do I enumerate the open windows?

I have started reading the MFC documentation. It is not easy reading! It is hard to tell which methods are actually available, and what the parameters mean.

I assume if I had the appropriate header file I'd have access to the values of the named constants. How do I get that file?

Is there a tutorial re MFC that might make it easier?

Thanks for your help.

Bob Gailer
919-636-4239 Chapel Hill, NC

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