Hi Bob,

Coming from a VC++ to python was not that hard, but there are some mentality changes and "gotchas" when i took up python. In your case, if you want to learn MFC, well, actaully its going to a lot more "gotchas" and finer mentality changes. But i would recommend the following book if you are serious into learning MFC without getting
confused by much of other C++ stuffs :-




bob gailer wrote:
Marcus Low wrote:

Do you mean u want to control pythonwin ide itself as somekind of automation?

Yes. I already accomplished my first goal based on what Mark told me, a program to open, size & position 5 py file edit windows - something I was doing by hand each time I started the IDE.

Next step is to save the configuration upon exiting so I can restore it at next startup.

MFC documentation will take some time to comprehend, as it is written for C++ / NET rather than Python.
If you want to control pythonwin, then its another story.

That is the story I am writing!

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