
Is there a way to play an MP3 from Python 2.5 in Windows, that doesn't
require compiling C first?  I'd like to make a package
easy_installable [a different one this time!] that can then play MP3s
without any other fuss.

I've looked through the python-win32 archives, I've looked on Google,
I've looked on PyPI.
  - Using COM to WMPlayer.OCX doesn't work unless you're in PythonWin
or wxPython.
  - audiere doesn't have Python 2.5 bindings and I haven't been
successful manipulating the C DLL with ctypes.
  - pyMedia requires that the target machine have Visual Studio or
Cygwin installed.
  - snack requires Tcl/Tk and others.
  - os.system() only manages to open Windows Media Player, along with
a bunch of IE-clickety-click noises, and still won't play the passed
file arg.
  - everything else is for Linux!

The best bet seems to be 2.5 bindings to audiere, but I have no idea
if that's possible.  Someone claims to have managed to build 2.4
bindings for audiere, but the link to the project is now dead.  After
the wealth of Batteries Included modules in Python, it was a bit
surprising to find nothing yet that Just Works.

Suggestions?  If nothing else, I'll add to my List Of Projects "write
a cross-platform pymp3"...

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