Try pyglet []. It wraps avbin for mp3,ogg reading and plays
using directsound, alsa, etc. Not sure if it could be made


On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 8:14 AM, Michael Gundlach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a way to play an MP3 from Python 2.5 in Windows, that doesn't
> require compiling C first?  I'd like to make a package
> easy_installable [a different one this time!] that can then play MP3s
> without any other fuss.
> I've looked through the python-win32 archives, I've looked on Google,
> I've looked on PyPI.
>  - Using COM to WMPlayer.OCX doesn't work unless you're in PythonWin
> or wxPython.
>  - audiere doesn't have Python 2.5 bindings and I haven't been
> successful manipulating the C DLL with ctypes.
>  - pyMedia requires that the target machine have Visual Studio or
> Cygwin installed.
>  - snack requires Tcl/Tk and others.
>  - os.system() only manages to open Windows Media Player, along with
> a bunch of IE-clickety-click noises, and still won't play the passed
> file arg.
>  - everything else is for Linux!
> The best bet seems to be 2.5 bindings to audiere, but I have no idea
> if that's possible.  Someone claims to have managed to build 2.4
> bindings for audiere, but the link to the project is now dead.  After
> the wealth of Batteries Included modules in Python, it was a bit
> surprising to find nothing yet that Just Works.
> Suggestions?  If nothing else, I'll add to my List Of Projects "write
> a cross-platform pymp3"...
> Michael
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