If you hear a loud slapping sound, that's my hand and forehead. :)

I just recalled that the third-party gives us a test application that
uses the COM component. Including source.

It's in C#, which is new to me, but looks pretty straightforward. I'm
going to figure out how they do, then see if I can do the same thing
through Python.

Sorry I didn't think of this sooner.


On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 4:10 PM, Alec Munro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm back.
> I've taken a crack at rewriting the DLL to export the methods I need
> through IDispatch. Unfortunately, what I discovered (and I'm probably
> describing this in the wrong way), is that the class is declared
> ATL_NO_VTABLE, and as far as I can tell, the third-party app relies on
> the interfaces being exported through IDispatch. This means that the
> methods suggested here won't work:
> http://www.sellsbrothers.com/tools/multidisp/
> Or at least the first two.
> So I'm back to trying to figure out what might be going wrong in my
> attempts to access the current implementation through Python.
> I wonder, is there any way to log IDispatch operations? If so, that
> might tell me what the third-party operation was doing differently.
> I would be happy to hear any other suggestions.
> Thanks,
> Alec
> On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 2:28 PM, Alec Munro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> (I just noticed my last two responses only went to Mark. They were
>> intended for the Mailing List and Tim as well. Sorry for the
>> oversight.)
>> So I just ran some tests, fruitlessly. Here is what I did:
>>  - Removed all gen_py stuff
>>  - Set registry entries for both interfaces to point to the BASICUHI typelib.
>>  - Restarted
>>  - Use Make_py on BASICUHI typelib
>>  X: Same error
>>  - Use Make_py for other typelib
>>  X: Same error
>>  - Removed all gen_py stuff
>>  - Set registry entries for both interfaces to point to other typelib.
>>  - Restarted
>>  - Use Make_py for other typelib
>>  X: Same error
>>  - Use Make_py for BASICUHI typelib
>>  X: Same error
>> What I'm wondering at this point is how I determine what Library it is
>> that isn't registered. That might yield some clues, but right now I'm
>> pretty much out of ideas, and toying seriously with the idea of
>> rewriting the dll to allow it to export the interfaces I need through
>> IDispatch.
>> Thanks again for your time,
>> Alec
>> On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 1:49 PM, Alec Munro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi Mark,
>>> Ok, with my first object, everything works as you demonstrated. With
>>> my second object (the first one CastTo(,I2)), I get the "Library not
>>> Registered" message when I call GetTypeInfo(), which I guess is what
>>> you were expecting.
>>> As far as Tim's question goes, I looked up the ID for the BasicUHI
>>> typelib in the registry, and the path there does indeed point to the
>>> BasicUHI file.
>>> I've got some ideas for things I can test, for the moment, but if you
>>> have any ideas or additional information, I would love to hear it.
>>> Thanks again!
>>> Alec
>>> On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 10:35 PM, Alec Munro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Mark, Tim!
>>>> Lots of excellent information there for someone as COM-confused as I am. :)
>>>> I'll try out your suggestions tomorrow, to see what I find, but for
>>>> now, here's a little more information on our situation.
>>>> We use a third-party solution for testing our products. This solution
>>>> requires us to create a COM dll with a class implementing specific
>>>> interfaces (at least I1, any others are optional). The third party
>>>> defines the interfaces, we just provide implementations for them. The
>>>> third party provides us with their testing solution itself, as well as
>>>> an SDK for developing the dll.
>>>> In order to use the dll, we do register it manually using regsvr32.
>>>> Any other registrations I would assume are performed by the installers
>>>> from the third party.
>>>> We've been using this for several years now (I only took over
>>>> maintenance on the project 6 months ago), but this is the first time
>>>> we are trying to access the dll ourselves, so it's fairly new
>>>> territory.
>>>> Hopefully that makes sense, thanks again,
>>>> Alec
>>>> On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 8:59 PM, Mark Hammond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> I'm still a little lost too, but:
>>>>>>  * I maintain a dll that defines a class that implements I1 and I2. I
>>>>>> use regsvr to register this dll.
>>>>>>  * I1 and I2 come from a third party, and in order for my dll to work
>>>>>> properly, it has to implement them (actually I2 is optional).
>>>>>>  * I don't know how I1 and I2 are registered.
>>>>> I don't understand the above.  If you maintain the class that implements 
>>>>> I1
>>>>> and I2 how can:
>>>>> * they come from a 3rd party - either you maintain them, or they do?
>>>>> * Surely you know how they are registered?
>>>>>> I do know that if I use
>>>>>> the COM browser, I can go to Registered Type Libraries, find one with
>>>>>> the typelibname that is associated with my CastTo created objects,
>>>>>> which has "Type Library" underneath it, and underneath that are
>>>>>> entries for I1, I2, several related interfaces, and a variety of
>>>>>> coclasses. Like this:
>>>>>>  - TypeLibName 1.0 TypeLibrary
>>>>>>  -- IID: {00..00}
>>>>>>  -- Type Library
>>>>>>  --- I1 - Dispatch
>>>>>>  --- I2 - Dispatch
>>>>>>  --- IX - Dispatch
>>>>>>  --- CX - CoClass
>>>>>> I've just spent some time hunting through the registry to determine
>>>>>> the differences between I1 and I2.
>>>>> What I'm guessing is that the GetTypeInfo() and GetTypeLib() calls for the
>>>>> other dispatch object are failing.  Below is how we expect things to work,
>>>>> demonstratrated using for Internet Explorer:
>>>>>>>> from win32com.client import Dispatch
>>>>>>>> d=Dispatch("InternetExplorer.Application")
>>>>>>>> d=d._oleobj_
>>>>>>>> d.GetTypeInfoCount()
>>>>> 1
>>>>>>>> d.GetTypeInfo(0)
>>>>> <PyITypeInfo at 0x00D1B038 with obj at 0x0025285C>
>>>>>>>> i=d.GetTypeInfo(0)
>>>>>>>> tlb, index=i.GetContainingTypeLib()
>>>>>>>> tlb.GetLibAttr()
>>>>> (IID('{EAB22AC0-30C1-11CF-A7EB-0000C05BAE0B}'), 0, 1, 1, 1, 8)
>>>>> Which is the GUID, version, locale etc information (a TLIBATTR structure)
>>>>> for the typelib, and you will find this in the registry.  It sounds like
>>>>> this works for one of your objects and fails for the other (well - "fails"
>>>>> might mean that the call works, but returns a GID and version info for a
>>>>> typelib that isn't registered - ie, attempting to load that typelib would
>>>>> fail.)  ie, you would also need the following to work:
>>>>>>>> guid, lcid, syskind, majver, minver, flags = tlb.GetLibAttr()
>>>>>>>> import pythoncom
>>>>>>>> pythoncom.LoadRegTypeLib(guid, majver, minver, lcid)
>>>>> <PyITypeLib at 0x00D1B038 with obj at 0x00254530>
>>>>>>>> _.GetDocumentation(1)
>>>>> (u'DWebBrowserEvents', u'Web Browser Control Events (old)', 0, None)
>>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>> Mark
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