Alec Munro wrote:
> I've searched through the registry for the GUIDs I found associated
> with the CLSIDs of the classes. They seem to be IIDs of type
> libraries.
> The first one, associated with I1, seems to refer to a _basicUHI.tlb
> file that was distributed with SDK the third-party provides for
> creating the DLL we use.
> The second one, associated with I2, refers to a .dll file distributed
> with the third-parties application (the one that makes use of our
> DLL).
> In Visual Studio, if I look at the definition of I2, it opens up a
> _basicUHI.tlh file in a temp directory. Am I correct in assuming the
> .tlh file is automatically generated by VS to display a representation
> of the .tlb file?
> I found regtlibv12, and ran it against _basicUHI.tlb. Now the COM
> Browser has a "TypeLibName 2.0 Type Library" entry, but if I try to
> access it, or run makepy against it, I get "_basicUHI.tlb can not be
> loaded" or "Error loading type library/DLL.", respectively.
> This feels like it must be the source of the problem, but I'm not
> really sure what to do next.

Take the IID of the type library for _basicUHI.tlb.  Now, look that up
in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib.  Somewhere in there, there should be a
path to the TLB.  Make sure the path is correct.

You might also try running regsvr32 on the DLL file associated with I2.

Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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