
The workaround you suggest may not scale, but it works and I can live with it.  I was on the verge of giving up on Python for this project and converting to the API's native VB, but I won't have to do that now.  Thanks.

- Greg Antal

Gregory W. Antal
Senior Technical Advisor
ATA Engineering, Inc.
11995 El Camino Real, Suite 200	
San Diego, CA  92130

858-480-2072  (Phone)
858-792-8932  (Fax)

Mark Hammond wrote:

Eek.  So there are 315 map entries you need to adjust?

Note that in the general case, you can probably do:
selector = some_object.feSelector # now a 'generic' object.
selector = mod.ISelector(selector) # convert to a real ISelector object

But this doesn't really scale either.

Question:  can something be done to makepy to fix this, or this an 
inherent and hopeless flaw in the TLB?

There's not much win32com can do by itself if the typelib doesn't indicate
the type of the param and *also* doesn't provide its CLSID at runtime.
Obviously, you are dealing with a normal python module and normal python
classes, so you could programatically update the dictionaries - but you are
still faced with the problem of knowing what to update the dictionaries



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