On 13/08/2009 1:42 PM, Gary Smith wrote:
Re:  Problem registering Python COM object (suddenly)


I’ve been volunteering for the Research Dept. of Selby Botanical Gardens
here in Sarasota, FL. In support of my project I wrote a Python COM
server to extend Python’s regular expression capabilities to VB. (I’m
aware of VB regular expression support, which doesn’t include look-behinds.)

The computer I use at the Gardens has XP SP2 and Access 2003. Two or
three weeks ago I installed Pywin32 (Active State) at the Gardens by
downloading the latest version of 2.5 (build 211?). At home I run Active
State 2.5 211.1.

I believe the software is up-to-date. When I originally installed my
Python COM object, the Access application ran flawlessly. However, after
a week’s absence, I can’t even seem to register the COM object (which
has changed).

What do you mean you can't register it?  What error do you get when you try?

The symptoms occur during a query that computes a value using the COM
object. I get the Access message “Error ??? the object doesn’t support
that method”. If I stop the query with a break point in VB, I can see
that my object exists (probably from the DIM statement). However, it
doesn’t seem to be associated with the Python COM object.

Assuming you *can* register it but just fail to use it, you may like to google for using --debug when registering, then using the win32trace module to look at lots of debug messages which will be spewed out as the object is instantiated and attempted to be used. It could be as simple as a syntax error in your .py file...



Everything works swimmingly at my development computer. Between last
week’s visit and today’s visit, things won’t work at the Gardens.

The computer there is very low on C: disk space. Could this have an
effect on win32com’s registration of the COM object?

Is there a method for positive validation that the object is registered?
The Tools…References menu item doesn’t help, and at my development
computer it doesn’t show up as an ActiveX component, although it is
obviously registered and accessible to VB. Also
Application.COMAddins.Item() doesn’t show it on either machine. This is

I’ve run out of leads. Any clues, anyone? The code follows, although I
don’t believe it is the code, but rather some external condition of
which I’m unaware.

Here is the Python code:

class reObj:

import pythoncom

import re

import string

_public_methods_ =

_reg_progid_ = "Python.reObj"

_reg_clsid_ = pythoncom.CreateGuid()

def __init__ (self):


def allMatches(self, pattern, str):

import re

import string



while matchGroup<>None:


result = result + ", " + str[start:end]



return result[2:]

def substitute(self,str,pattern,replacement,count=1):


return str

def replaceAll(self,str,pattern,replacement):


return str

def occurs(self,str,pattern):




while matchGroup<>None:





return (count)

if __name__ == '__main__':

import win32com.server.register


And here is the VB code that calls it:

Public Function fLatitude(str As String) As String

Dim degreesPattern As String

Dim minutesPattern As String

Dim secondsPattern As String

Dim degrees As String

Dim minutes As String

Dim seconds As String

Dim s As String

Dim ns As String

Dim r As Object

Set r = CreateObject("Python.reObj")

degreesPattern = "(\d+(\.\d+)?...@])"

minutesPattern = "(\s?\d+(\.\d+)?[!])"

secondsPattern = "(\s?\d+(\.\d+)?[=])"

latitudePattern = "(\d+(\.\d+)?...@!=]\s?)+[NS](?=[\s\.,;]|$)"

agn = fAgnosticLatLong(str)

s = r.allMatches(latitudePattern, agn)

If Len(s) = 0 Then

fLatitude = ""

Exit Function

End If

ns = Right(s, 1)

degrees = r.allMatches(degreesPattern, s)

minutes = r.allMatches(minutesPattern, s)

seconds = r.allMatches(secondsPattern, s)

degrees = r.replaceAll(degrees, "@", "*")

minutes = r.replaceAll(minutes, "!", "'")

seconds = r.replaceAll(seconds, "=", """")

fLatitude = degrees & minutes & seconds & ns

Set r = Nothing

End Function

Works perfectly at home, but not at all (now) at the pro-bono client.

If you’ve read this far, my deepest thanks,

Cheers, Gary


"Even for practical purposes theory generally turns out the most
important thing in the end." Oliver Wendell Holmes.


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