On 16/11/2009 8:17 AM, Greg Ewing wrote:
John Finlay wrote:

Why do you post to mailing lists that are unrelated to your project? I
would appreciate it if in future you didn't post a message about your
project ot the PyGTK mailing list.

I posted the announcement to the pyobjc, pygtk and pywin32
lists because PyGUI uses all of those libraries, and because
I don't know of any single mailing list where people interested
in Python GUIs in general can be found.

However, if the consensus is that PyGUI announcements are
not welcome on those lists, I will be happy to cease posting
them there.

What is the general feeling out there? Should I stop posting
PyGUI messages to these lists? Is there another GUI-related
list that would be more appropriate?

FWIW, I've no objection to these posts on python-win32.


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