On 15 Nov, 2009, at 22:17, Greg Ewing wrote:

> John Finlay wrote:
>> Greg,
>> Why do you post to mailing lists that are unrelated to your project? I 
>> would appreciate it if in future you didn't post a message about your 
>> project ot the PyGTK mailing list.
> I posted the announcement to the pyobjc, pygtk and pywin32
> lists because PyGUI uses all of those libraries, and because
> I don't know of any single mailing list where people interested
> in Python GUIs in general can be found.
> However, if the consensus is that PyGUI announcements are
> not welcome on those lists, I will be happy to cease posting
> them there.
> What is the general feeling out there? Should I stop posting
> PyGUI messages to these lists? Is there another GUI-related
> list that would be more appropriate?

I (as the PyObjC maintainer) don't mind these announcements on the pyobjc list.


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