Hi Malcolm

On 1:59 PM, pyt...@bdurham.com wrote:
Is there a Windows API call I can use to display a BMP or a PNG file in a window centered on a user's display? This function would be called from a console app to display a splash screen. Motivation: I would like some of our customer facing Python console utilities to display a splash screen. I don't need the complexity of a full GUI framework like wxPython or pyQT and hopefully I can avoid the need to use a full library like PIL.
Thank you,

There are ways to significantly reduce the wxPython footprint in your py2exe binary. Ask on the mailing list. Steven Sproat was talking about some methods last month and I think he said he had an exe that was 5 or 7 MB when he was done.

*Mike Driscoll*

Blog: http://blog.pythonlibrary.org

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