
I'm trying to install PyLucene using MinGW on Windows 7.  It keeps
failing when it tries to load the _jcc.pyd module (JCC is the compiler
which wraps the Java Lucene library as a Python module).  It fails
with the notorious

c:\Python27\python.exe: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be 

So, to figure out what's failing, I fired up depends.exe on _jcc.pyd.
And I find that the missing DLL appears to be PYTHON27.DLL!

Odd, thinks I.

So I went to look in c:/Windows/System32/, and sure enough, there it is:

$ file /c/Windows/System32/python27.dll
/c/Windows/System32/python27.dll: PE32 executable for MS Windows (DLL) (GUI) 
Intel 80386 32-bit

Then I try to fire up depends.exe on it, and depends.exe *can't see it*!
That is, when I choose "File > Open" from the menu, and select
C:\Windows\System32\, the list of dlls that I can inspect goes right
from "pwrshplugin.dll" to "QAGENT.dll"!  And if I open a cmd shell,
"dir" doesn't show it, either!  Though msys "ls" does.

Does anyone understand what's going on here?  I'm baffled.

I'm using the 32-bit version of Python 2.7, by the way, and it's a
64-bit install of Windows 7 Enterprise.


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