Thx. I realise I now also need to understand the GIL and locking it and
unlocking it.

Does anyone know of any links where blocking I/O calls are demonstrated
in pure python?

I'm currently parsing the c code for _socket.pyd and reading up on
Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS and Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS. My goal is basically to
produce a high performance socket that I can use with a Windows UI
(wxpython) - so was thinking of calling ws2_32.dll but it looks like I
might need to be a bit more careful.

Any comments / pointers / help appreciated.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf
Of Tim Roberts
Sent: Wed 5-Jan-2011 22:36
To: Python-Win32 List
Subject: Re: [python-win32] WSAAsyncSelect wrote:
> I'm looking for a little help on using WSAAsyncSelect via ctypes.I
> imagine this has been asked before but I couldn't figure out how to
> search the archives (and trawling through them randomly didn't really
> help).
> ...Would it be something likethe following?
> winsock = ctypes.windll.ws2_32
> ...
> s =12345
> hWnd = 1234
> socketErrorOrZero = winsock.WSAAsyncSelect(s, hWnd, wMsg, lEvent)

Yes, indeed.  I think that sock.socket.fileno should get you the socket
handle for the first parameter.

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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