david.bri...@ubs.com wrote:
> Does anyone know of any links where blocking I/O calls are demonstrated
> in pure python?

Virtually all I/O calls in pure Python are blocking calls.  Did you mean
to ask about non-blocking I/O?

> I'm currently parsing the c code for _socket.pyd and reading up on
> Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS and Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS. My goal is basically to
> produce a high performance socket that I can use with a Windows UI
> (wxpython) - so was thinking of calling ws2_32.dll but it looks like I
> might need to be a bit more careful.

Well, any time I hear "high performance," I start to wonder whether
Python is really the right choice.  How much performance do you need? 
WSAAsyncSelect is a pretty snazzy way to deal with a socket server, and
I suspect it could be adapted here without much trouble.

Tim Roberts, t...@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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