Thank you Dan, by now it is clear for me. Unfortunately I haven't C++
knowledge but don't worry, for me it is enought to know that the problem is
not in python or in my code.
Now I am occasionaly programmer in Python or VBA, then it would be too
complicated for me to learn C++, but perhaps I will consider this question
in the future.

2012/5/12 Dan Glassman <>

> VBA is faster because it's running in-process inside AutoCAD (everything
> is loaded into acad.exe).  Python runs out-of-process (AutoCAD objects need
> to be passed back and forth between acad.exe and python.exe).
> You can use AutoCAD's ObjectARX API to embed python inside AutoCAD and
> make python in-process; you'll get a significant speedup.  You'll need to
> know C++ in order to do that.  Let me know if you'd like further details.
> 64-bit AutoCAD runs VBA out-of-process because there is no 64-bit VBA;
> you'd see the same slowness there that you're seeing with python.
> -drg
> On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 5:26 PM, DANIEL POSE <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am writing code to program AutoCAD access from Python using pywin32.
>> When I need to work with a high number of AutoCAD objects, it is faster to
>> use vba than python.
>> Are there some way to speed up python code in order to work faster with
>> AutoCAD elements?
>> For example in the next code when I work with 512 AutoCAD blocks:
>> import win32com.client
>> import time
>> t1=time.clock()
>> acad= win32com.client.Dispatch("AutoCAD.Application")
>> doc = acad.ActiveDocument
>> seleccion=doc.SelectionSets.Add('selection6')
>> seleccion.SelectOnScreen()
>> t2=time.clock()
>> M=[]
>> for objeto in seleccion:
>> if objeto.ObjectName=='AcDbBlockReference':
>> M.append(objeto.InsertionPoint)
>> t3=time.clock()
>> print 'M_dimension=',len(M)
>> R=[]
>> for m in M:
>> for x in M:
>> R.append(max(m)+max(x))
>> print 'R_dimension=',len(R)
>> t4=time.clock()
>> t_block1=t2-t1
>> t_block2=t3-t2
>> t_block3=t4-t3
>> print 't_block1=',t_block1
>> print 't_block2=',t_block2
>> print 't_block3=',t_block3
>> The output for the code is the following:
>> M_dimension= 512
>> R_dimension= 262144
>> t_block1= 4.25343304805
>> t_block2= 3.88635510938
>> t_block3= 0.487477319045
>> Then it is faster to work with R than M, even though R is bigger.
>> Some suggestions for speed up pywin32 code in this example?
>> Best Regards,
>> Daniel Pose.
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