On 18/12/2012 6:27 AM, Russell Warren wrote:
Update - it seems to be the pythoncom27.dll somehow.  I tried deleting
the InprocServer32 key and my com server works now.

Assuming you installed Python "for all users", the pythoncom27.dll being used should be the one in the system32 directory, and pythonxx.dll should be next to it. Maybe the VS2008 runtime libs aren't installed such that they are picked up from there.

I see that I can dodge this issue by specifying _reg_clsctx_ =
pythoncom.CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, but I'm concerned about what the problem
could be with pythoncom27.dll and whether that will bite me some other
way later.  Any guesses on what the problem might be?

Also - what is the purpose in defaulting to use both InprocServer32 and
LocalServer32?  Based on my problem, the default windows choice appears
to be InprocServer32.  When/why would it move on to the LocalServer32
entry?  It clearly does not do it on error.

The point is so that code which explicitly specifies the local server version works.




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