
Thanks for the help - I have appreciated the input!

After (much) further troubleshooting, I have located the bug - completely
my fault (why aren't you more surprised? ;-) The service fails on startup
because my own derived class implemented a method that is only supported on
platforms later than Win 2003. This caused GetAcceptedControls to return an
invalid request ID, which in turn caused SetServiceStatus to fail. Turns
out that I had deleted this method in the working version of the service.

Thanks again for your feedback.


On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 3:03 PM, Tim Golden <m...@timgolden.me.uk> wrote:

> On 23/01/2013 19:55, Jean Rousseau wrote:
>> Tim,
>> OK, so I restored the server VM from backup, ran the existing service
>> (which worked fine) and then copied across and installed my new service
>> .py
>> files and installed. ALL of this still working on Python 3.2.3 and
>> pywin-217. I ran pythonservice with the debug switch on, and now I think
>> we're much closer to the root cause (the Python 3.3.0 upgrade etc was a
>> red
>> herring).
>> Here's the error I now get:
>> E r r o r   0 x C 0 0 0 0 0 F 4   -   C o u l d   n o t   f i n d   t h e
>> s e
>> r v i c e ' s   P y t h o n C l a s s   e n t r y   i n   t h e   r e g i
>> s
>> t r
>> y
>> E r r o r   1 8 1 4   -   T h e   s p e c i f i e d   r e s o u r c e   n
>> a
>> m e
>>    c a n n o t   b e   f o u n d   i n   t h e   i m a g e   f i l e .
>> E r r o r   0 x C 0 0 0 0 0 8 0   -   C o u l d   n o t   l o c a t e   t
>> h
>> e
>> m o d u l e   n a m e   i n   t h e   P y t h o n   c l a s s   s t r i n
>> g
>>    (
>> i e ,   n o   ' . ' )
>> Well, I checked the registry and the entry for the service is there, along
>> with all the meta-data that it apparently requires (ie. PythonClass IS
>> there with it's full path and (.) dot etc). This makes no sense to me...
> Nor me, either, I'm afraid. Hopefully someone else can chip in.
> I realise that the service was running successfully under the old
> configuration, but is there any mileage in your showing us the Python code
> around the service, in case something jumps out?
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