newtechnologybooks wrote:
> I'm struggling with sending a 100mb text file using Python running on
> a Windows XP client.

I do not doubt it.  Most SMTP servers block attachments that large.

> I was able to deliver 20mb files with this script, but failed when
> trying 100mb files.

That's further evidence that you have hit a server limit.  If you want
to send 100MB files, you store them on an FTP server or a web server and
send a link.  Companies do not want 100MB attachments clogging up their
mail pipe and bulking up their mail store.

> It seems the code runs smoothly when I'm removing this line which
> encoded the part as base64:
> Encoders.encode_base64(part)

That increases the size of the attachment by another 33%.

> I've notice the problem only occurs on my Windows XP, cause I was able
> to use the same code for delivering a 100mb file on a Windows 7 client.

To the EXACT SAME SERVER?  Or were you testing a different server?

Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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