On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 12:06 PM, Tim Roberts <t...@probo.com> wrote:
> newtechnologybooks wrote:
>> >/I was able to deliver 20mb files with this script, but failed when
>> />/trying 100mb files. / >> That's further evidence that you have hit
>> a server limit. If you want >> to send 100MB files, you store them on
>> an FTP server or a web server and >> send a link. Companies do not
>> want 100MB attachments clogging up their >> mail pipe and bulking up
>> their mail store.
>> On my network sniffer I don't see any evidence that the code has start 
>> sending any kind of data to the sever, it just hang for a few seconds till 
>> the client send a FIN flagged packet to the server.
> Is it possible that it's simply taking too long to read and/or encode
> the attachment?  That seems like a long-shot, but you're kind of at the
> long-shot phase now.

I also wonder if he's got some kind of antivirus or security scanner
intercepting things and getting hung up. I've seen it before.
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