Hi Tim,

I was able to test that clearing the read flag and setting delete after submit 
didn't result in the email ending up in sent items.  When delete after submit 
is set it does however at least get removed from the outbox.

I should probably mention I'm running this against outlook 2003 on windows xp 
(as high as we've upgraded here at my job...)

I even tried to explicitly call moveMessages on the outbox folder and move it 
to sent items folder 'manually' so to speak - no errors from this, but no joy 

I've included my code below for anyone who can see issues with it or has 

I don't suppose anyone has an outlook 2003 setup they could try to send an 
email via and see if it ends up in sent??

"""module to send mail with Extended MAPI using the pywin32 mapi wrappers..."""

# this was based on Jason Hattingh's C++ code at 
# written by David Fraser <davidf at sjsoft.com> and Stephen Emslie <stephene 
at sjsoft.com>
# you can test this by changing the variables at the bottom and running from 
the command line

from win32com.mapi import mapi
from win32com.mapi import mapitags

def SendEMAPIMail(Subject="", Message="", SendTo=None, SendCC=None, 
SendBCC=None, MAPIProfile=None):
    """Sends an email to the recipient using the extended MAPI interface
    Subject and Message are strings
    Send{To,CC,BCC} are comma-separated address lists
    MAPIProfile is the name of the MAPI profile"""

    # initialize and log on
    session = mapi.MAPILogonEx(0, None, None, mapi.MAPI_EXTENDED | 
    messagestorestable = session.GetMsgStoresTable(0)
mapitags.PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A, mapitags.PR_DEFAULT_STORE),0)
    foundDefStore = False
    while (True):
        foundDefStore = False
        rows = messagestorestable.QueryRows(1, 0)
        if len(rows) != 1:
        row = rows[0]
        for x in range(len(row)):
          propertyid, propertyvalue = row[x]
          if (propertyid == mapitags.PR_DEFAULT_STORE and propertyvalue == 
           foundDefStore = True
        if (foundDefStore):

    # unpack the row and open the message store
    (eid_tag, eid), (name_tag, name), (def_store_tag, def_store) = row
    msgstore = session.OpenMsgStore(0,eid,None,mapi.MDB_NO_DIALOG | 

    # get the outbox
    hr, props = msgstore.GetProps((mapitags.PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID), 0)
    (tag, eid) = props[0]
    outboxfolder = msgstore.OpenEntry(eid,None,mapi.MAPI_BEST_ACCESS)

    #get the 'sent items' folder - by default.  we will have to get the user's
    #desired folder as well, if they've changed it...

    hr, props = msgstore.GetProps((mapitags.PR_IPM_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID), 0)
    (tag, eid) = props[0]
    destFolder = msgstore.OpenEntry(eid, None, mapi.MAPI_BEST_ACCESS)
    # create the message and the addrlist
    message = outboxfolder.CreateMessage(None,0)
    # note: you can use the resolveaddress functions for this. but you may get 
    pal = []
    def makeentry(recipient, recipienttype):
      return ((mapitags.PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE, recipienttype),
              (mapitags.PR_SEND_RICH_INFO, False),
              (mapitags.PR_DISPLAY_TYPE, 0),
              (mapitags.PR_OBJECT_TYPE, 6),
              (mapitags.PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_A, recipient),
              (mapitags.PR_ADDRTYPE_A, 'SMTP'),
              (mapitags.PR_DISPLAY_NAME_A, recipient))

    if SendTo:
      pal.extend([makeentry(recipient, mapi.MAPI_TO) for recipient in 
    if SendCC:
      pal.extend([makeentry(recipient, mapi.MAPI_CC) for recipient in 
    if SendBCC:
      pal.extend([makeentry(recipient, mapi.MAPI_BCC) for recipient in 

    # add the resolved recipients to the message

(mapitags.PR_SUBJECT_A,Subject), (mapitags.PR_DELETE_AFTER_SUBMIT, 1)])

    # save changes and submit
    #get the message id so i can move it...
    hr, props = message.GetProps((mapitags.PR_ENTRYID),0)
    (msg_eid_tag, msg_eid) = props[0]
#1 is MESSAGE_MOVE according to msdn docs but i don't feel like figuring out if 
it has a symbolic constant or not...
    outboxfolder.CopyMessages([msg_eid], None, destFolder, 0, None, 1)

From: Tim Roberts [mailto:t...@probo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 10:35 AM
To: Aubin LaBrosse; Python-Win32 List
Subject: Re: [python-win32] PySBinaryArray??

Aubin LaBrosse wrote:

Mail server is exchange
Last calls I made are:


outlook is 100% online, yes

for whatever reason when I send programmatically in this way I never see it 
move to sent items - it just hangs out in the outbox. So I just assumed I had 
to move it myself.

No, that's not the right answer.  You don't really want the message in "Sent 
Items".  What you want is for Outlook to move it to "Sent Items" because it got 
sent.  Did you say you had tried doing this before SaveChanges:


Tim Roberts, t...@probo.com<mailto:t...@probo.com>

Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.
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