Ok, next update - took sound_lib out of modules/use, and switched over to only 
using the code in recClass.py to handle both playback and recording of sound, 
and can now compile code on my dev machine, using cx_Freeze, into an executable 
that seems to handle pretty much alright on the VMWare windows XP 32 bit 
machine - except it doesn't want to handle actual sound recording, but, think 
that could be due to the sort of virtual sound card hardware, so will need to 
try test this on another machine that's relatively clean/free of all 
development tools, etc., but anyway.

Anyway, if interested, here's the new/current version of source code - and, 
external/additional modules am making use of/implementing, aside from any 
included in this folder, are accessible_output, and wxPython 3.0 - don't think 
there are too many other, additional/external modules being made use of, but 
could have forgotten something - 656Kb:

Only other issue there would be that it's going to look for user account app 
data folder, which would under windows7 fall under something like:

or, under windows XP, that would be more like:
C:\Documents and Settings\<userName>\Application Data\bzPersonalAssistant\bzP

And, under that directory, it will look for the audioNotes folder, as well as 
storing bzPersonal.data - using pickle to store lists/dictionaries of data 
therein -, etc., as well as possibly sounds directory, since am at time 
switching operational path over to there.

Here's the compiled/generated output that seems to work best/most reliably 
using cx_Freeze - py2exe doesn't want to work/launch .exe, and pyInstaller also 
seems 'unhappy' - 22.2Mb:

And, here's an install package that also creates user account app data 
directory structure, and renders icons under start menu group - this was done 
using innoSetup - 16.9Mb:

Either way, it seems to work/operate for now - just a quick test, except for 
throwing an error when I try to actually invoke sound recording, but, like 
said, that could be due to VMWare hardware imitation, or not...<smile>

Jacob Kruger
Blind Biker
Skype: BlindZA
"Roger Wilco wants to welcome you...to the space janitor's closet..."
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