Sorry: previous message went out before complete.

Z:\FahyGroup\Ross Boylan\Wk devel>py --debug
In main. Attempting to register.
Args = ['', '--debug']

And then it just sits there.  ^C at the terminal does not interrupt it, though 
I can kill the python process.  Searching in the registry does not indicate any 
of the keys associated with my class.

How do I solve this, or at least debug it?

The main application is in 32 bit Access 2010, although the system is 64 bit 
Win 7.  When I discovered I couldn't open the relevant libraries (esp DAO) from 
64 bit python 3.6 I installed 32 bit python 3.7.  I can use it as a client 
application, but wanted to make it a server. includes

import pdb, traceback
import atexit, csv, sys
import pythoncom, win32com.client
from win32com.server.exception import COMException
from win32com.client import constants
from win32com.server.register import UseCommandLine

TmpTable = "aatmpt_bst"  # table to import csv into


class BSTImport:
    # COM Support
    _public_methods_ = ['Fred']

    _reg_clsid_ = "{050321C2-9B99-4444-B5E9-B636DFD94C4D}"
    _reg_desc_ = "BST Test Com Server in Python 32 bit"
    _reg_progid_ = "Fahy.BST"

    def Fred(self, name, obj):
        return "Hey {}; I'm Fred. I mess with {}.".format(name, TmpTable)

   # other stuff only relevant as a client

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("In main. Attempting to register.\nArgs = {}".format(sys.argv))
    print("I think I'm done.")
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