Thanks to Mr Bieber too for the explanations and for the triathlon image, 
I agree with it.

As already said, I would be grateful for any advice about getting any 
reference to the functions DoAction, Export, etc.

I am also wondering how, in the following code (source again :, the 
programer can know that code "13" refers to PNG, etc. :

 #png save options
    options = 
    options.Format = 13   # PNG
    options.PNG8 = True  # Sets it to PNG-8 bit

Again, if these questions are too basic or the needed answers too 
elaborated, just forget it ; I have a lot to learn :)

De :    "Dennis Lee Bieber" <>
A :
Date :  25.07.2019 18:43
Objet : Re: [python-win32] DoAction problem
Envoyé par :    "python-win32" 

On Thu, 25 Jul 2019 11:58:59 +0200, declaimed 

>My inspiration : 
>Web page explaining a Python code using pywin32 : 
>, but I do 

>not want to define functions, I am too much beginner for this.

                 For someone "new to Python and coding" you are asking to 
compete in a
triathlon (invoking internal operations of an external program using
pywin32), and  without knowing how to shoot a gun (writing stand-alone
programs using basic operations). 

                 Defining functions is basic to any programming language, 
along with
looping and conditional branching.

>Problematic code :
>#run action script which opens the file, convert it to jpg, save and 
>psApp.DoAction( actionScript, 'jpg_q8')
>Error message :
>NameError: name 'actionScript' is not defined

                 So did you really read the linked web page? 
"actionScript" is a
parameter passed into the example function.

 def edit_File( actionScript, imagePath, saveDir, psApp ):


    #run action script
    psApp.DoAction( actionScript, 'WaterMark')
    doc.Export(ExportIn=newSave, ExportAs=2, Options=options)
    return doc

                 See how it is the first parameter given to edit_File... 
Now, find where
edit_File is used and you find...

 def processFiles( files, saveDir, psApp ):
    for file in files:
        #determine what actionscript to run based off folder name (all
lower case)
        if 'btmleft' in file.lower():
            doc = edit_File( 'BtmLeft', file, saveDir, psApp )
        elif 'btmcenter' in file.lower():
            doc = edit_File( 'BtmCenter', file, saveDir, psApp )
        elif 'btmright' in file.lower():
            doc = edit_File( 'BtmRight', file, saveDir, psApp )
        #close image without saving
    # Close PSD without saving

                 See how the first argument given to edit_File is a STRING 
with the name
of the PS script to be invoked... Or as explained in the text of the web

"""Next, we run our action script, this is where the name of the action
script comes in handy. psApp.DoAction(“ScriptName”, “FolderName”) That is
how you run your action script. """

                 Wulfraed                 Dennis Lee Bieber         AF6VN

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