> On Apr 14, 2020, at 7:09 PM, Nikita Lepetukhin <leni...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I use win32com module and everything is ok but I cannot find the way how to 
> pass VT_DECIMAL variant value to COM object's method.
> ...
> This is how the interface is described in gencache:
> class IProperty(DispatchBaseClass):
> CLSID = IID('{0A4C05A0-107B-4A8B-9E34-44ED9B117A25}')
> coclass_clsid = IID('{2171DCF1-B70B-4CAB-9EB7-F7FED71956B4}')
> _prop_map_get_ = {
> "Value": (0, 2, (12, 0), (), "Value", None),
> }

That’s a property that returns a VT_VARIANT.

> In python code I get the object by the following way:
> ...
> I need to pass here VT_DECIMAL variant (due to data precision requirements) 
> but it comes to COM object implementation as VT_R8 variant.
> I tried to use decimal python type but it comes as VT_CY variant.
> Could you help me to find out how to pass VT_DECIMAL variant from python to 
> COM?
> I would appreciate your help very much!

The VT_CY type, the Python decimal type, and the C# decimal type are all the 
same — a 128-point fixed point value with 92 bits of precision.  That’s 
probably what you should use.  In order to use VT_DECIMAL, then you probably 
can’t use automatic translation.
Tim Roberts, t...@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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