I hope you are doing well. I have some questions regarding the mapping from
VBA to Python. This is regarding the COM object SOLIDWORKS. I am trying to
translate the following VBA code:
Set skSegment = Part.SketchManager.CreateSpline((pointArray))
    Part.ClearSelection2 True
    Part.SketchManager.InsertSketch True

    Set swSkMan = Part.SketchManager
    Set swSketch = skSegment.GetSketch
    vSketchSeg = swSketch.GetSketchSegments

On python. However,This part:
*Part.SketchManager.CreateSpline((pointArray)) *gives the following error;
Nonetype is not callable.

*Sanaa Mouzahir*
*Columbia University in the city of New York*
*M.S Computational and data-driven engineering mechanics*
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