Podle odkazovaneho blogu bych navrhoval sestavit prehled cesky psane
odborne literatury o pythonu.
Co se firmenich dobrozdani tyce, zkusim k necemu pohnout sveho chlebodarce.

On 02/15/13 17:28, Mike wrote:
> Je to velmi dolezite, asi podobne, ako ked si volakedy niekto v USA
> chcel patentovat Linux.
> Pomozme.
> Miso K.
> -------- Original Message --------
> Predmet: [SciPy-Dev] Python trademark in legal trouble in Europe, please
> help
> Dátum: 14.2.2013 23:56
> Odosielateľ: Fernando Perez <fperez....@gmail.com>
> Adresát: Fernando Perez <fperez....@gmail.com>
> Odpovedať na: SciPy Developers List <scipy-...@scipy.org>
> Hi all,
> please do NOT respond to this thread or to me directly.  This is
> strictly to spread this message as widely as possible, so that anyone
> who receives it and can act on it does so.  Needless to say, do
> forward this to anyone you think might be in a position to take useful
> action.
> The Python trademark is in serious risk across Europe due to the
> actions of a UK-based IP troll.  If you operate in Europe, please help
> the Python Software Foundation gather evidence in the legal battle to
> protect the Python trademark across the EU.  You can find the official
> blog post from the PSF with instructions on how to help here:
> http://pyfound.blogspot.com/2013/02/python-trademark-at-risk-in-europe-we.html
> and this thread on Hacker News is being monitored by the PSF Chairman
> Van Lindberg in case you want to ask the team directly any questions:
> http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5221093
> Cheers,
> f
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