Tyler by mohla být můstek do Red Hatu. Nebo je tu ještě někdo jiný z RH,
kdo by to tam mohl protlačit?


2013/2/15 Whit <w...@jizak.cz>

> Blogpost tu mam zabukovanej k nacteni ted o vikendu, pokud pomuze tak za
> Sanomu samozrejme poslat muzeme. Uvitam kdyztak Kvbiku nejakou koordinaci
> a/nebo spolupraci s formulovanim dopisu atd...
> V.
> On Friday, February 15, 2013 7:13:04 PM UTC+1, Jakub Vysoky wrote:
>> urcite se pokusme dotlacit firmy (diky hynek fabian), at neco daji
>> dohromady. co pak treba redhat, suse, sanoma, fragaria, etc..
>> sam premyslim, zda bychom jako Pyvec.org [1] mohli neco zmoct. Nebo
>> aspon predat informace o srazech [2], ci neco podobneho..
>> [1] http://pyvec.org/
>> [2] 
>> http://lanyrd.com/series/**praha-pyvo/<http://lanyrd.com/series/praha-pyvo/>
>> ps: odpovidam i na #django-cs kanal - vic hlav vic vi
>> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 5:51 PM, Hynek Fabian
>> <hynek....@firma.seznam.cz> wrote:
>> > Podle odkazovaneho blogu bych navrhoval sestavit prehled cesky psane
>> > odborne literatury o pythonu.
>> > Co se firmenich dobrozdani tyce, zkusim k necemu pohnout sveho
>> chlebodarce.
>> >
>> > On 02/15/13 17:28, Mike wrote:
>> >> Je to velmi dolezite, asi podobne, ako ked si volakedy niekto v USA
>> >> chcel patentovat Linux.
>> >> Pomozme.
>> >>
>> >> Miso K.
>> >>
>> >> -------- Original Message --------
>> >> Predmet: [SciPy-Dev] Python trademark in legal trouble in Europe,
>> please
>> >> help
>> >> Dátum: 14.2.2013 23:56
>> >> Odosielateľ: Fernando Perez <fpere...@gmail.com>
>> >> Adresát: Fernando Perez <fpere...@gmail.com>
>> >> Odpovedať na: SciPy Developers List <scip...@scipy.org>
>> >>
>> >> Hi all,
>> >>
>> >> please do NOT respond to this thread or to me directly.  This is
>> >> strictly to spread this message as widely as possible, so that anyone
>> >> who receives it and can act on it does so.  Needless to say, do
>> >> forward this to anyone you think might be in a position to take useful
>> >> action.
>> >>
>> >> The Python trademark is in serious risk across Europe due to the
>> >> actions of a UK-based IP troll.  If you operate in Europe, please help
>> >> the Python Software Foundation gather evidence in the legal battle to
>> >> protect the Python trademark across the EU.  You can find the official
>> >> blog post from the PSF with instructions on how to help here:
>> >>
>> >> http://pyfound.blogspot.com/**2013/02/python-trademark-at-**
>> risk-in-europe-we.html<http://pyfound.blogspot.com/2013/02/python-trademark-at-risk-in-europe-we.html>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> and this thread on Hacker News is being monitored by the PSF Chairman
>> >> Van Lindberg in case you want to ask the team directly any questions:
>> >>
>> >> http://news.ycombinator.com/**item?id=5221093<http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5221093>
>> >>
>> >> Cheers,
>> >>
>> >> f
>> >> ______________________________**_________________
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>> >> scip...@scipy.org
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>> >>
>> >> ______________________________**_________________
>> >> Python mailing list
>> >> pyt...@py.cz
>> >> http://www.py.cz/mailman/**listinfo/python<http://www.py.cz/mailman/listinfo/python>
>> >
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>> > Python mailing list
>> > pyt...@py.cz
>> > http://www.py.cz/mailman/**listinfo/python<http://www.py.cz/mailman/listinfo/python>
>> --
>> Jakub Vysoky
>> mob: +420 605 852 377
>> jab: jakub....@gmail.com
>> twit: https://twitter.com/kvbik
>  --
> --
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