Sounds exactly like what I would need.

So one would for example:
1. Get the point on curve (MFnNurbsCurve.getPointAtParam)
2. Create the matrix for that point (where do you get the rotation from?, since 
the tangent and normal give unpredictable results, although I haven't seen them 
working the way I actually wanted)

We know that the matrix would always aim towards a next point on the curve 
(aiming along the curve). The upVector would be the twist, yet there's no 
default rotation to which we can add twisting rotation along the aimVector 
(changing the upVector and the orthogonal vector of both upVector and 

3. End object extract a twist value: by extracting it's rotation along a 
certain local axis, right?
4. Apply the twist
5. Done.

As you can see I'm having a hard time visualing or thinking through points 2 
and 3. Maybe I'm too much of a beginner for this, hehe. :)

Thanks again!


Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2012 01:57:55 -0800
Subject: [Maya-Python] Re: API: Custom Spline IK (or Motion Path)

Hard , to tell much i have build my nodes differently:
The core concept was that the curve is a temporal system: there is a start and 
an end ( you will often see in SIGGRAPH paper the u parameter named as the 
variable t ).
I dont try to bundle all element in one node: some data can be store and update 
so my node compute a matrix at a curve parameter value and the end object is 
used to extract a twist value.
This extraction is done by a separate node . it doesn't matter if you have 7 
full spin on the twist axis: your motion path node drive your joint  and even 
with 180/-180 degree range the orientation will be correct

Le lundi 12 novembre 2012 11:00:31 UTC+1, Roy Nieterau a écrit :Hey Guys,

I'm looking into creating a custom Stretchy Spline IK setup that doesn't pop 
(over & under extends in extreme situations). 
But I seem to be unable to wrap my head around how to calculate orientations on 
points on the curve. 
Since the points on the curve don't have any orientation (well, they do have 
tangents or something like that?) I have no clue on how to actually start with 

My main references of tools in Maya would be the Motion Path and the Spline IK 
(with Advanced Twist controlled by a start and end object). 
If anybody has any starting points for this it would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance.



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