This looks interesting Roy. Thanks for the suggestion. Formatting looks crazy 
on my phone, but I'll test it out on Monday morning when I'm  back on the box. 

Have a great weekend all. 

Sydney, Australia. 

On 13/03/2015, at 6:16 AM, Roy Nieterau <> wrote:

> Just to get geeky and not sure if it's any faster but here's another version. 
> ;)
> import maya.cmds as mc
> import itertools
> def grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None):
>     "Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks"
>     # grouper('ABCDEFG', 3, 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx
>     args = [iter(iterable)] * n
>     return itertools.izip_longest(fillvalue=fillvalue, *args)
> # search under node for nodes with attr that are of type in allowed_types
> root_node = 'rootNode'
> search_attr = 'testAttr'
> allowed_types = frozenset(['mesh'])
> valid_nodes = [node for node, type in 
> grouper('*.{0}'.format(search_attr), long=True, recursive=True, 
> showType=True, o=True), 2) if type in allowed_types and 
> node.startswith(root_node)]
>, r=1)
> Note that this version assumes root_node is actually a root node (so has no 
> parent). If you want to allow it to have a parent then you wouldn't do 
> node.startswith() but something like:
> import maya.cmds as mc
> import itertools
> def grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None):
>     "Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks"
>     # grouper('ABCDEFG', 3, 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx
>     args = [iter(iterable)] * n
>     return itertools.izip_longest(fillvalue=fillvalue, *args)
> # search under node for nodes with attr that are of type in allowed_types
> root_node = 'rootNode'
> search_attr = 'testAttr'
> allowed_types = frozenset(['mesh'])
> root_node_as_parent = '{0}|'.format(root_node)
> valid_nodes = [node for node, type in 
> grouper('*.{0}'.format(search_attr), long=True, recursive=True, 
> showType=True, o=True), 2) if type in allowed_types and root_node_as_parent 
> in node]
>, r=1)
> Sometimes the fastest thing is limiting the amount of commands you run that 
> actually rely on querying something from Maya so this could be fast. Could 
> you provide a heavyweight test scene example? ;)
> Both these versions rely on a single maya command query.
> Let me know what kind of speeds you get from this. :D
> Cheers and /geekout,
> Roy
> On Thursday, March 12, 2015 at 4:01:51 AM UTC+1, GerardVOK wrote:
>> Hey there Chris. Thanks for the code I'll take a gander. Fuel catchup was 
>> great. Haven't seen any of the old team in quite some time.
>> Cheers.
>> G.
>> On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 12:45 PM, Chris Gardner <> wrote:
>>> hey gerard,
>>> nice to see you at the pub the other day :)
>>> here's some API code for looking for custom attrs called "tags" and then 
>>> looking for a string inside that. it's a bunch faster than maya cmds. adapt 
>>> as necessary. it's filtering on transform nodes currently, but you could 
>>> change that for your node type you want to target.
>>> import time
>>> import maya.api.OpenMaya as om2
>>> def findByTag(inTag):
>>>     coll = []
>>>     sel = om2.MGlobal.getSelectionListByName('*')
>>>     depFn = om2.MFnDependencyNode()
>>>     xformType = om2.MTypeId(0x5846524d)
>>>     for i in xrange(sel.length()):
>>>         mObj = sel.getDependNode(i)
>>>         depNode = depFn.setObject(mObj)
>>>         if depNode.typeId == xformType:
>>>             if depNode.hasAttribute('tags'):
>>>                 plug = depNode.findPlug("tags", False)
>>>                 result = plug.asString()
>>>                 if result:
>>>                     tags = result.split(',')
>>>                     if inTag in tags:
>>>                         coll.append(
>>>     return coll
>>> ts = time.time()
>>> coll = findByTag('blah')
>>> te = time.time()
>>> print coll
>>> print 'api2 %2.4f sec' % (te - ts)
>>> print len(coll)
>>> cheers,
>>> chrisg
>>> On 12 March 2015 at 12:38, Gerard v <> wrote:
>>>> Hi all.
>>>> I am trying to determine the most efficient way to search for nodes 
>>>> (transforms) of specified types (eg transform of a curve) under a 
>>>> hierarchy (lets call it 'top_node') that have a specific custom (string) 
>>>> attribute.
>>>> When potentially dealing with a large number of nodes speed becomes a 
>>>> factor. 
>>> -- 
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