Justin, I used pastebin to clone the code and paste here. Is this okey?

Haha! :D

On 19 November 2015 at 12:27, Rudi Hammad <rudiham...@gmail.com> wrote:

> okey...it is happening again.
> IMPORTANT...the errors show only in eclipse. If I execute the code
> directly in maya´s interpreter, I don´t get any error. (  have eclipse
> connect to maya, and I get the error when I exceute the code in eclipse only
> I also notice this happens when I duplicate a code and change some
> variables. For example, here I am programing spine that could be bipedal or
> quadruped. So I did the code for bipedal,
> and then duplicated the code and changed the variables bipedal to
> quadruped.
> I get the following errors :
> // Error: ...python("#!/usr/bin/env python\n# -*- coding: utf-8
> -*-\n\"\"\"------------------------------------------------------------------
> //
> // Error: Line 1.5842: Unterminated string. //
> // Error: ...python("#!/usr/bin/env python\n# -*- coding: utf-8
> -*-\n\"\"\"------------------------------------------------------------------
> //
> // Error: Line 1.5842: Unterminated string. //
> the errors above happen randomly. Sometimes it work, some time it doesn´t
> and give the errors shown
> and here is the code. Justin, I used pastebin to clone the code and paste
> here. Is this okey?
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> """---------------------------------------------------------------------------[
> ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"""
> # modules
> import maya.cmds as cmds
> import coreUtilities.globalUtilities as gu
> import coreUtilities.mathUtilities as mu
> import setupTools.riggingTools as rt
> import sys
> # class objects
> mathUtilities = mu.MathUtilities()
> getUtilities = gu.GetUtilities()
> genericRiggingTools = rt.GenericRiggingTools()
> """---------------------------------------------------------------------------[
> ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------"""
> class CreaturePoints(object):
>     # static variables
>     axis = ["x","y","z"]
>     def bipedalChestPoint(self,chestParent="",intermediateChest=False):
> """--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>         description: crea puntos torso, y debuggea cualquier error. Puede
> ser uno o varios torsos bipedos
>             Los puntos se emparentan a lo declarado o seleccionado. Si se
> crea mas de un torso, se renombar automaticamente
>             # arg1-chestParent : el seleccionado o el declarado
>             # arg3-intermediateChest : crea joint intermedia en
> chest
>         use: ejecutar con declaraciones o seleccino
>         status: final
>         author: rudi hammad
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"""
>         #--[DEBUGGING]--#
>         # 1.si no existi hip
>         if cmds.objExists("c_hip_loc")!=True:
>             cmds.warning( "no c_hip_loc found in the scene. Please create
> a hip locator before running the script" )
>             sys.exit()
>         # 2.chestParent debe ser declarado o elegido
>         if not chestParent:
>             selection = cmds.ls(sl=True)
>             # seleccionar un objeto solo para emparentar
>             if len(selection) > 1 or len(selection) == 0 :
>                 cmds.warning(" none or more than on object selected.
> Please select only one ")
>                 sys.exit()
>             else:
>                 chestParent = selection[0]
>         else:
>             chestParent = chestParent
>             # si el input declarado no existe
>             if cmds.objExists(chestParent)!=True :
>                 cmds.warning( "chestParent input not valid, please insert
> an existing object as argument" )
>                 sys.exit()
>         #--[MAIN CODE]--#
>         #--[if chest exists]--#
>         if cmds.objExists("c_bipedChest_loc")==True:
>             # si ya existe un extra
>             try:
>                 cmds.select( "c_bipedExtra*Chest_loc", r=True)
>                 chests = cmds.ls( sl=True )
>                 numberOfChest = len(chests)
>                 extraLetter = chr(ord("A")+(numberOfChest))
>                 toAdd = "Extra" + extraLetter
>                 newChest = "c_biped" + toAdd + "Chest"
>             # si no exist extra
>             except:
>                 " no extra chests found..."
>                 newChest = "c_bipedExtraAChest"
>             # chest locator
>             pos = cmds.xform( chestParent, q=True, t=True, ws=True )
>             cmds.spaceLocator( n=newChest + "_loc"); cmds.xform(
> t=(pos[0],pos[1]*1.5,pos[2]) ); cmds.setAttr( ".overrideEnabled",1 );
> cmds.setAttr( ".overrideColor",20 )
>             cmds.spaceLocator( n=newChest + "End_loc" ); cmds.xform(
> t=(pos[0],pos[1]*2,pos[2]) )
>             # properties
>             for elem in self.axis:
>                 cmds.setAttr( newChest + "_loc" + " Shape.localScale" +
> elem.upper(), 5 )
>                 cmds.setAttr( newChest + "End_loc" + " Shape.localScale" +
> elem.upper(), 5 )
>             # parenting
>             cmds.parent( newChest + "End_loc", newChest + "_loc")
>             cmds.parent( newChest + "_loc", chestParent )
>             # lineas
>             genericRiggingTools.lineBetweenTwoObjects(newChest +
> "_loc",chestParent)
>             genericRiggingTools.lineBetweenTwoObjects(newChest +
> "_loc",newChest + "End_loc")
>             # extraChest
>             if intermediateChest == True:
>                 cmds.spaceLocator( n=newChest + "Inter_loc" ); cmds.xform(
> t=(pos[0],pos[1]*1.85,pos[2]) )
>                 cmds.parent( newChest + "Inter_loc", newChest + "End_loc")
>                 for elem in self.axis:
>                     cmds.setAttr( newChest + "Inter_loc" +
> "Shape.localScale" + elem.upper(), 2.5 )
>         #--[end]--#
>         cmds.select( cl=True )
>     def quadrupedChestPoint(self,chestParent="",intermediateChest=False):
> """--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>         description: crea puntos torso, y debuggea cualquier error. Puede
> ser uno o varios torsos quadrupedos
>             Los puntos se emparentan a lo declarado o seleccionado. Si se
> crea mas de un torso, se renombar automaticamente
>             # arg1-chestParent : el seleccionado o el declarado
>             # arg3-intermediateChest : crea joint intermedia en
> chest
>         use: ejecutar con declaraciones o seleccino
>         status: final
>         author: rudi hammad
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"""
>         #--[DEBUGGING]--#
>         # 1.si ni existi hip
>         if cmds.objExists("c_hip_loc")!=True:
>             cmds.warning( "no c_hip_loc found in the scene. Please create
> a hip locator before running the script" )
>             sys.exit()
>         # 2.chestParent should be declared o selected
>         if not chestParent:
>             selection = cmds.ls(sl=True)
>             # select only one object to parent
>             if len(selection) > 1 or len(selection) == 0 :
>                 cmds.warning(" none or more than on object selected.
> Please select only one ")
>                 sys.exit()
>             else:
>                 chestParent = selection[0]
>         else:
>             chestParent = chestParent
>             # si el input declarado no existe
>             if cmds.objExists(chestParent)!=True :
>                 cmds.warning( "chestParent input not valid, please insert
> an existing object as argument" )
>                 sys.exit()
>         #--[MAIN CODE]--#
>         #--[if chest exists]--#
>         if cmds.objExists("c_quadChest_loc")==True:
>             # si ya existe un extra
>             try:
>                 cmds.select( "c_quadExtra*Chest_loc", r=True)
>                 chests = cmds.ls( sl=True )
>                 numberOfChest = len(chests)
>                 extraLetter = chr(ord("A")+(numberOfChest))
>                 toAdd = "Extra" + extraLetter
>                 newChest = "c_quad" + toAdd + "Chest"
>             # si no exist extra
>             except:
>                 " no extra chests found..."
>                 newChest = "c_quadExtraAChest"
>             # chest locator
>             pos = cmds.xform( chestParent, q=True, t=True, ws=True )
>             cmds.spaceLocator( n=newChest + "_loc"); cmds.xform(
> t=(pos[0],pos[1],(pos[2] + pos[1]*0.75)) ); cmds.setAttr(
> ".overrideEnabled",1 ); cmds.setAttr( ".overrideColor",20 )
>             cmds.spaceLocator( n=newChest + "End_loc" ); cmds.xform(
> t=(pos[0],pos[1],(pos[2] + pos[1]*1.5)) )
>             # properties
>             for elem in self.axis:
>                 cmds.setAttr( newChest + "_loc" + " Shape.localScale" +
> elem.upper(), 5 )
>                 cmds.setAttr( newChest + "End_loc" + " Shape.localScale" +
> elem.upper(), 5 )
>             # parenting
>             cmds.parent( newChest + "End_loc", newChest + "_loc")
>             cmds.parent( newChest + "_loc", chestParent )
>             # lineas
>             genericRiggingTools.lineBetweenTwoObjects(newChest +
> "_loc",chestParent)
>             genericRiggingTools.lineBetweenTwoObjects(newChest +
> "_loc",newChest + "End_loc")
>             # extraChest
>             if intermediateChest == True:
>                 cmds.spaceLocator( n=newChest + "Inter_loc" ); cmds.xform(
> t=(pos[0],pos[1],(pos[2] + pos[1]*1.15)) )
>                 cmds.parent( newChest + "Inter_loc", newChest + "End_loc")
>                 for elem in self.axis:
>                     cmds.setAttr( newChest + "Inter_loc" +
> "Shape.localScale" + elem.upper(), 2.5 )
>         #--[end]--#
>                 cmds.select( cl=True )
> --
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