Well, i got it.

Here is a code i'm working, it still have some bug but it's work

import os
> import json
> from PySide.QtGui import QMainWindow
> from PySide import QtGui, QtCore
> from maya import cmds
> from . import Bob
> from ..qt_utils import get_anchor
> class Picker(QMainWindow):
>     def __init__(self, parent, data):
>         super(Picker, self).__init__(parent)
>         self.ui = Bob.Ui_MainWindow()
>         self.data = data
>         self.ui.setupUi(self)
>         self.rubberband = QtGui.QRubberBand(
>             QtGui.QRubberBand.Rectangle, self)
>         self.setMouseTracking(True)
>         # SIGNALS
>         self.SCRIPT_JOB_NUMBER = cmds.scriptJob(event=["SelectionChanged", 
> self.mayaSelectionChange])
>         for k, v in data["anim_table"].iteritems():
>             if hasattr(self.ui, k):
>                 getattr(self.ui, k).clicked.connect(lambda t=v: 
> self.select(t))
>         self.ui.select_all.clicked.connect(
>             lambda t=data["anim_table"].values(): self.select(t))
>     def select(self, target):
>         shift, ctrl = 1, 4
>         mod = int(cmds.getModifiers())
>         flags = {"replace": mod == 0,
>                  "toggle": mod == shift,
>                  "deselect": mod == ctrl,
>                  "add": mod == ctrl + shift}
>         cmds.select(target, **flags)
>     def mousePressEvent(self, event):
>         self.origin = event.pos()
>         self.rubberband.setGeometry(
>             QtCore.QRect(self.origin, QtCore.QSize()))
>         self.rubberband.show()
>         QtGui.QWidget.mousePressEvent(self, event)
>     def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
>         if self.rubberband.isVisible():
>             self.rubberband.setGeometry(
>                 QtCore.QRect(self.origin, event.pos()).normalized())
>         QtGui.QWidget.mouseMoveEvent(self, event)
>     def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event):
>         if self.rubberband.isVisible():
>             self.rubberband.hide()
>             selected = []
>             rect = self.rubberband.geometry()
>             for child in self.findChildren(QtGui.QPushButton):
>                 if rect.intersects(child.geometry()):
>                     selected.append(child)
>             if selected:
>                 # for child in selected:
>                 #     print ''.join("%s\n" % i for i in dir(child))
>                 #     print child.isChecked()
>                 [child.click() for child in selected]
>                 self.select([self.data["anim_table"][child.objectName()] 
> for child in selected])
>             else:
>                 print ' Nothing\n'
>         QtGui.QWidget.mouseReleaseEvent(self, event)
>     def mayaSelectionChange(self):
>         for child in self.findChildren(QtGui.QPushButton):
>             if child.isChecked() == True:
>                 selection = cmds.ls(selection = True)
>                 if len(selection)>0:
>                     if self.data["anim_table"][child.objectName()] in 
> [x.encode('UTF8') for x in selection]:
>                         child.setChecked(True)
>                     else:
>                         child.setChecked(False)
>                 else:
>                     child.setChecked(False)
>     def closeEvent( self, event ):
>         # Clean up the script job stuff prior to closing the dialog.
>         cmds.scriptJob( kill=self.SCRIPT_JOB_NUMBER, force=True )
>         super( Picker, self ).closeEvent( event )
> def show():
>     path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "data", 
> "Bob.json")
>     with open(path) as fp:
>         d = json.load(fp)
>     if d.get("filetype") == "picker_data" and d.get("version") >= 0.1:
>         Picker(parent=get_anchor(), data=d).show()
On Wednesday, April 12, 2017 at 6:17:32 AM UTC+7, Justin Israel wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 3:57 AM nguyen vuducthuy <nguyenv...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I try to create an character picker that when i pressed button i select 
>> an object in the scene and it will keep highlight until i deselect that 
>> object. This really help me know what i'm selecting.
>> Thank for your help!
> Sound like you want to make the button checkable:
> http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/qabstractbutton.html#checkable-prop
> Then you need to wire up a Maya callback so that the deselection can 
> update the checked state on the button.
> Justin
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