Ho I'm sorry ... I just see that the code I sent was not the right one ... I 
did some testing and suddenly the code had become anything ...

def slerp_quaternion(m_quaternion_1, m_quaternion_2, f_weight):

    !@Brief Apply Spherical interpolation between two quaternions.

    @type m_quaternion_1: OpenMaya.MQuaternion
    @param m_quaternion_1: First Quaternion.
    @type m_quaternion_2: OpenMaya.MQuaternion
    @param m_quaternion_2: Second Quaternion.
    @type f_weight: float
    @param f_weight: Value for blending.

    #   Normalize quaternions
    m_quaternion_1 = m_quaternion_1.normal()
    m_quaternion_2 = m_quaternion_2.normal()

    #   If is equial return first quaternion
    if m_quaternion_1.isEquivalent(m_quaternion_2):
        return m_quaternion_1

    # TODO: fixlater
    # If the inputs are too close for comfort,
    # linearly interpolate and normalize the result.
    # if abs(dot) > 0.9995:
    #     pass

    # If the dot product is negative, the quaternions
    # have opposite handed-ness and slerp won't take
    # the shorter path. Fix by reversing one quaternion.
    # dot = dot_product(m_quaternion_1, m_quaternion_2)
    dot = dot_product(m_quaternion_1, m_quaternion_2)
    if dot < 0.0:
        dot *= -1.0

    #   Weight Blend
    f_scale_1 = 1.0 - f_weight
    f_scale_2 = f_weight

    #   Get Quaternion median
    dot = max(min(dot, 1.0), -1.0)
    f_theta = math.acos(dot)
    f_sin_theta = math.sin(f_theta)

    f_scale_1 = math.sin(f_scale_1 * f_theta) / f_sin_theta
    f_scale_2 = math.sin(f_scale_2 * f_theta) / f_sin_theta

    #   New Quaternion
    a_new_values = []
    for i in xrange(4):
        a_new_values.append(f_scale_1 * m_quaternion_1[i] + f_scale_2 * 

    return OpenMaya.MQuaternion(a_new_values[0], a_new_values[1], 
a_new_values[2], a_new_values[3])

I do not get a better result. I wanted to use the function slerp of maya 
but it is accessible only in c ++ not in python. So I make a slerp function 
in python. The current problem is that as I can not know if my dot is 
positive or negative. So I have a flip of 180 that is done on my rotation. 
I understand better now with your explanation. I use the matrices to 
retrieve quaternions. So I would have to retrieve the quaternions since the 
euler rotations?

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