(I got a little cocky there. My script doesn't do a check for hard edges!)

On Thursday, 5 April 2018 15:51:55 UTC+10, Michael Boon wrote:
> It's a bit of a myth, or at least an over-simplification, to say that 
> PyMel is slower and maya.cmds is faster. MEL and maya.cmds tend to be slow 
> because they do string processing for almost everything (and for that 
> reason they're also error-prone once you get into scenes with instances). 
> PyMel tends to be slow because it often wraps maya.cmds, and then spends 
> more time creating Python objects for things, but it can also be faster 
> than cmds because it often wraps the API and sometimes you can get the API 
> to do the work under the hood where cmds would be juggling strings.
> So in general, like Justin suggested, profile your code (there's a profile 
> module in Python) and look for hot spots.
> In this case though, I have written a script using PyMel that I can't 
> share, but it's only 8 simple lines and I think it does what you want, 
> plenty fast for your needs. Sorry! That's rude I know, but I don't own it! 
> Use the MeshFace class, and its methods connectedFaces and getNormal. Don't 
> use ls or polyListComponentConversion at all in your loop - those can be 
> pathological examples of PyMel slowness.
> I hope that helps :)
> On Wednesday, 4 April 2018 14:44:28 UTC+10, Darby Edelen wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm new to the list and relatively new to Maya.
>> I've been missing a tool in Cinema 4D that allows the user to select 
>> contiguous faces within boundaries defined by differences in polygon normal 
>> angles (boundaries = hard edges or an arbitrary angle), so I rolled my own 
>> Maya script.
>> It seems to be working well, but it gets quite slow as the number of 
>> faces to select increases.  For example, on my home PC it takes about 6 
>> seconds to select 320 faces along the inside of a ring.
>> If you have any ideas on how I could implement this more efficiently I 
>> would love your input.  I've heard that PyMEL tends to be the slowest of 
>> options for scripting, but it's super convenient to work in a more 
>> 'pythonic' mode.  I started playing with the OpenMaya API but found that it 
>> doesn't seem to have a polyListComponentConversion equivalent and my brain 
>> is fried enough that I can't think about implementing my own version using 
>> the API.  I have a suspicion that the polyListComponentConversion function 
>> is one of those adding the most time to execution;  I'm using it to find 
>> the boundary edges of the faces currently marked for selection.
>> I've attached a .py file and pasted my code here as well:
>> import pymel.core as pm
>> import time
>> import itertools
>> def compare_normals(n1, n2):
>>     #Take dot product of normals and convert to degrees difference
>>     return 90.0 * (1.0 - n1*n2)
>> def check_angle(edge, angle, hard_edges=True):
>>     if edge.isOnBoundary():
>>         #Boundary reached; no need to continue!
>>         return False
>>     soft = True
>>     if hard_edges:
>>         #Check for hard or soft edge
>>         soft = edge.isSmooth()
>>     #Get all faces connected to this edge
>>     faces = pm.ls(edge.connectedFaces(), fl=True)
>>     #Compare the face normals between edges to determine if the face 
>> should be selected
>>     face_compare = {c for c in itertools.combinations(faces, 2) if 
>> compare_normals(c[0].getNormal(), c[1].getNormal()) > angle}
>>     #Returns True if the face should be selected
>>     return len(face_compare) == 0 and soft
>> def get_connected_faces(faces, angle=0.0, hard_edges=True):
>>     #Get edge boundary of current face selection
>>     boundary = pm.ls(pm.polyListComponentConversion(faces, bo=True, 
>> te=True), fl=True)
>>     #Combine currently selected faces with neighboring faces that pass 
>> the face normal test
>>     new_faces = faces | set(pm.ls([edge.connectedFaces() for edge in 
>> boundary if \
>>                                    check_angle(edge, angle, hard_edges)], 
>> fl=True))
>>     if new_faces != faces:
>>         #Yield the new faces to select for as long as we haven't 
>> exhausted our supply
>>         yield new_faces
>>     #Stop when there are no more faces to select
>>     raise StopIteration
>> t1 = time.clock()
>> angle_tolerance = 30.0
>> hard_edges = True
>> #Get the initial selection
>> selection = pm.ls(sl=True, fl=True)
>> #Filter the selection to face components
>> selected_faces = {face for face in selection if isinstance(face, 
>> pm.general.MeshFace)}
>> if selected_faces:
>>     #Since there are faces selected...
>>     try:
>>         while True:
>>             #Find new neighboring faces until no more meet the criteria
>>             selected_faces = get_connected_faces(selected_faces, 
>> angle_tolerance).next()
>>     except StopIteration:
>>         #Select all faces found
>>         pm.select(selected_faces)
>>         t2 = time.clock()
>>         #Report our performance
>>         print("Selected {0} faces in {1:.2f} 
>> seconds.".format(len(selected_faces), t2-t1))

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