There are definitely some intricacies of pymel that elude me. I don't know, for 
example, how to get a flattened list of connected faces without using ls. Or 
perhaps I don't need a flattened list? I assume that I need to getNormal on 
each face and compare against its connected faces in order to decide which 
faces to extend to on the next step. Can I do that if connectedFaces isn't 
giving me a flattened list?

As for the speed at which this script and the similar built-in selection 
constraints operate, they are woefully slow in comparison to the cinema 4d tool 
I'm trying to emulate. I think there must be some data built behind the scenes 
to accelerate this sort of selection.

Can you provide me with any further hints? Is your 8 line script able to select 
upwards of 100,000 faces within an arbitrary angle tolerance in under a second 
or should I adjust my expectations?

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