hello internet....I have been working on this collision deformer node for a 
long time and still cant get it right....I have done many research and even 
ask people for the reference code but IT JUST WONT WORKS!!!!!!!!...

the big idea for my collision deformer is
first do a intersection test between the collider bounding box and deformer 
bounding box
    if intersected, check if the collider bounding box contain the deformer 
vertex( in world coordinate)...
      if contained, do allintersection test for the vertex to see if it is 
inside the the collider mesh or not , using   
               (if (hitPoints.length() % 2 == 1))
and then do the deformation and save the point to the finalpnts array( used 
later to set all positions )

for debugging purpose I asked the maya to print out the collision point 
index, and it works fine, but the deformation algorithm I have in that same 
if loop just wont works........I have no idea why and really ran out of 
idea..please help....

here is the test result

[image: internet_help.PNG]

here is the c++ code I have.



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