hi Michaek, thanks for taking time reading my code... and the problem here 
is my code doesnt move the corresponding point on the deformer 
surface(sorry I should be clearer at the beginning)  in other words, 
nothing happened at all when I collide them(and this is the part drive me 
crazy, it's like maya is dead....)... 

Have you tried printing out the old and new locations of each point (in 
world space and/or local space)? 

yes I did, and I had created a MPoint difference = collision point - 
deformer point, and ask maya to print out the "difference.x, y and z" but 
all I got is 0,0,0.
And I'm sure the point I passed in the intersecoter.getClosestPoint is in 
the world space, however I'm not sure about what space the returned closest 
point is in, (I'm assuming it is in world space now, but I think I have 
done some quick test by multiply the closest point by the collider local to 
world matrix before, but still, nothing happened when collide.) 

Have you confirmed that values set in finalPts are actually used to set 
positions of vertices in the output mesh?

I'm sorry but I'm not quick sure what you mean here, I assuming after I 
update the finalPnts and use it in the iterGeo.setAllpositions ( or 
outIter.setAllpositions( just another MItGeometry iterator I created for 
the outputgeom attribute, I heard from someone else that this might solve 
the problem, but I have tried them both, none of them works) ),     the 
deformer surface will be update automatically?  ( and I have also tried 
fnMesh::updataSurface, but nothing happend...) 


On Thursday, December 20, 2018 at 8:04:01 PM UTC-5, Michael Boon wrote:
> What is not working? Your code finds the correct points, and prints out 
> the correct indices, but it doesn't move them correctly? So what is it 
> doing wrong when it moves them? Is it not moving them at all? Moving them 
> to the wrong place? I see you calculating finalPnt and then entering it 
> into finalPnts, but I'm not sure what happens from there.
> Have you tried printing out the old and new locations of each point (in 
> world space and/or local space)? 
> Have you confirmed that values set in finalPts are actually used to set 
> positions of vertices in the output mesh?
> On Friday, 21 December 2018 11:26:23 UTC+11, Fleming Lin wrote:
>> hello internet....I have been working on this collision deformer node for 
>> a long time and still cant get it right....I have done many research and 
>> even ask people for the reference code but IT JUST WONT WORKS!!!!!!!!...
>> the big idea for my collision deformer is
>> first do a intersection test between the collider bounding box and 
>> deformer bounding box
>>     if intersected, check if the collider bounding box contain the 
>> deformer vertex( in world coordinate)...
>>       if contained, do allintersection test for the vertex to see if it 
>> is inside the the collider mesh or not , using   
>>                (if (hitPoints.length() % 2 == 1))
>> and then do the deformation and save the point to the finalpnts array( 
>> used later to set all positions )
>> for debugging purpose I asked the maya to print out the collision point 
>> index, and it works fine, but the deformation algorithm I have in that same 
>> if loop just wont works........I have no idea why and really ran out of 
>> idea..please help....
>> here is the test result
>> [image: internet_help.PNG]
>> here is the c++ code I have.
>> https://github.com/fleminglin/sos/blob/master/flinCollide.cpp
>> sincerely
>> flin

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