Hi Daniel, 
the error you're getting is from the  polyCube 
This commands does not have translation key words argument that you are 
trying to assign to it.


# get returned values of polyCube command 
cube = cmds.polyCube(name = name, width = width, height = height, depth = 
depth, subdivisionsWidth = subdivs, subdivisionsHeight = subdivs, 
subdivisionsDepth = subdivs)

# set the 1st returned transform node.  With the move 
it is faster as you can set value relatively or absolutely
cmds.move(translateX, translateY, translateZ, cube[0],  r=True)

# or you can also use the setAttr 
cmds.setAttr("{0}.translate".format(cube[0]),  translateX, translateY,  
translateZ, type="double3")

And.... yeah, here is a check to avoid creating the ground each time. 

# create it once until you delete it:
None if cmds.objExists('Ground') else cmds.polyPlane(width=100, height = 
100, name = 'Ground')

or you can write:
if cmds.objExists('Ground'):
    cmds.polyPlane(width=100, height = 100, name = 'Ground')

On Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at 9:54:32 PM UTC+2 daniel.w...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi everyone! I'm trying to make a general layout tool for maya scripting 
> course, I have the interface generally down, but I am having trouble adding 
> a translate function to the floatFieldGrp for location. If anyone could 
> help me sort it out, it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
> Here is the script so far: 
> import maya.cmds as cmds
> import random 
>    #Creates the board to layout buildings, might put into UI later if I 
> have time.
> cmds.polyPlane(width=100, height = 100, name = 'Ground')
>    #Define class, put DL to avoid confusion between other potential window 
> items.
> class DL_Window (object):
>     #creates method to construct window, call function "self".
>     def __init__(self):
>         #Creating some attributes, like name, title, and size of the 
> window as it will initially appear on the screen.
>         self.window = 'DL_Window'
>         self.title = "City Layout Creator"
>         self.size = (400,400)
>         # will close old window if it's still open
>         if cmds.window(self.window, exists = True):
>             cmds.deleteUI (self.window, window= True)
>         #creates the new window    
>         self.window = cmds.window (self.window, title=self.title, 
> widthHeight=self.size)
>         #adjusts all UI to fit in the column
>         cmds.columnLayout(adjustableColumn = True)
>         #Create a title, and seperator from the name of the UI, and the 
> function of the UI
>         cmds.text(self.title)
>         cmds.separator(height = 20, width = 100)
>         #Some customizable widgets that can adjust name, location of 
> building on map, subdivisions for extruding windows or doors, and lastly 
> the button.
>         self.cubeName = cmds.textFieldGrp( label = 'Building Name:')
>         self.cubeSize = cmds.floatFieldGrp ( numberOfFields = 3, label = 
> 'size:', value1=1, value2=1,value3=1 ) 
>         self.cubeLocation = cmds.floatFieldGrp (numberOfFields = 3, label 
> = 'location:', value1=1,value2=1,value3=1)
>         self.cubeSubdivs =cmds.intSliderGrp(field=True, label = 'subdivs', 
> minValue=1,maxValue=20, value=1)
>         self.cubeCreateButton = cmds.button(label= 'Create Building', 
> command=self.createBuilding)
>         #Repeat Steps for Trees
>         cmds.separator(height = 20, width = 100) 
>         cmds.text("Tree Generator")
>         cmds.separator(height = 20, width = 100) 
>         self.treeName = cmds.textFieldGrp( label = 'Tree Name:')
>         self.treeSize = cmds.floatFieldGrp ( numberOfFields = 3, label = 
> 'size:', value1=1, value2=1,value3=1 ) 
>         self.treeLocation = cmds.floatFieldGrp (numberOfFields = 3, label 
> = 'location:', value1=1,value2=1,value3=1)
>         self.treeSubdivs =cmds.intSliderGrp(field=True, label = 'subdivs', 
> minValue=1,maxValue=20, value=1)
>         self.cubeCreateButton = cmds.button(label= 'Create Tree', 
> command=self.createBuilding)           
>         # Displays the window in Maya
>         cmds.showWindow()
>     def createBuilding (self, *args):
>         print ("A button has been pressed")
>         name = cmds.textFieldGrp(self.cubeName, query = True, text=True)
>         width = cmds.floatFieldGrp (self.cubeSize, query=True, value1=True)
>         height = cmds.floatFieldGrp (self.cubeSize, query=True, 
> value2=True)
>         depth = cmds.floatFieldGrp (self.cubeSize, query=True, value3=True)
>         translateX = cmds.floatFieldGrp (self.cubeLocation, query = True, 
> value1=True)
>         translateY = cmds.floatFieldGrp (self.cubeLocation, query = True, 
> value2=True)
>         translateZ = cmds.floatFieldGrp (self.cubeLocation, query = True, 
> value3=True)
>         subdivs = cmds.intSliderGrp (self.cubeSubdivs, query=True, 
> value=True)
>         cmds.polyCube(name = name, width = width, height = height, depth = 
> depth, translateX=translateX, translateY=translateY, 
> translateZ=translateZ,  subdivisionsWidth = subdivs,subdivisionsHeight = 
> subdivs,subdivisionsDepth = subdivs)
>  #Calling the class here       
> myWindow = DL_Window()

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