I'm sorry to say that I've seen the NULL bug before but have been too distracted by the task at hand to fix it, but here is a patch that fixes it.

By the way, I've recently tried running the remote part of "winpdb" (http://www.digitalpeers.com/pythondebugger/) on Windows CE and connecting to it over TCP/IP from the GUI running on the PC, and after a trivial change (to handle a lack of PATH environment variable) it worked fine. Personally I would rather have the ability to communicate to the remote debugger using ActiveSync rather than only TCP/IP because it is more convenient especially since I only have Bluetooth not WiFi, so I have been investigating using the Remote API (RAPI).


----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas Heller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <pythonce@python.org>
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 8:51 PM
Subject: [PythonCE] How do you develop on the PocketPC?

Does anyone (everyone ?) start the Python interpreter on the device, and
use the stylus to enter interactive commands?
Or does one write scripts on the PC, let ActiveSync transfer them, and
start them by clicking on the filename?

I cannot really believe that.  BTW, when an uncatched exception occurs
in a script, I see a box displaying:

Python Error
Traceback (innermost last):

When I close this box (by clicking the OK button in the upper right
corner), I can see (for less than a second) the interpreter window
showing the real traceback, but not long enough to be able to read it.

So, I made a pair of scripts which start a server on the host PC, which
sends commands to a script running on the device, executing them, and
send the results back for display on the PC.  Don't know if it is worth
to post it here...


Attachment: null-exception-fix.diff
Description: Binary data

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