--- "Michael Foord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You ought to check out Wax. It's a friendly Pythonic layer that sits 
> atop of wx and IMHO is just as easy to use as Tkinter.

Lol! I've been using/tinkering with firedrop for a few weeks now so I am
vaguely familier with wax.  I don't really like the idea of using a largish
wrapper over the top of a huge library though, especially on a small embedded
device!  Also wax is incomplete, and as I've said I don't know enough Wx to
fix/add stuff.

BTW in Firedrop my page template was failing because the editor I was using
inserted tabs instead of spaces.  I didn't really feel like fixing my
template so I poked around in embedded_code.py.  If you add ".replace('\t','
')" to the return statement in replace_separators tabs vs. spaces becomes a
non-issue ^_^

--- Luke Dunstan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You could make .pyw work on WinCE by creating a key HKCR\.pyw and another 
> like HKCR\Python.File.NoShell, with the appropriate command line. In fact I
> may do this in the next version of the PythonCE installer.
> ...

Hope you don't mind, attached is my hacked version of setup-registry.py which
registers ".pyw", and adds the PythonCE icon to all Python files!  It can
also be found here:

I haven't tested it yet!  My ipaq is out of commission for a while because I
needed its SD card -_-
#	Setup the registry to allow us to double click on python scripts
from _winreg import *

print "Setting up registry to allow\nrunning of Python files."

#	Create the registry entries for ".py" and ".pyc" extensions
for Name in (".py", ".pyc"):
    Key = CreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, Name)
    SetValue(Key, None, REG_SZ, "Python.File")

#	Create the registry entry for ".pyw" extension
Key = CreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ".pyw")
SetValue(Key, None, REG_SZ, "Python.File.Noconsole")

#	Create HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Python.File\Shell\Open\Command = "\Program Files\Python\Lib\Python.exe" "%1"
Key = CreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "Python.File")
for Name in ("Shell","Open","Command"):
  New_Key= CreateKey(Key, Name)
  Key = New_Key
SetValue(Key, None, REG_SZ, "\"\\Storage Card\\python\\lib\\Python.exe\" \"%1\"")

print "Setting up registry to allow\ndouble clicking of Python files to work"

#	Create command key for nopcceshell (.pyw files)
Key = CreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "Python.File.Noconsole")
for Name in ("Shell","Open","Command"):
  New_Key= CreateKey(Key, Name)
  Key = New_Key
SetValue(Key, None, REG_SZ, "\"\\Storage Card\\python\\lib\\Python.exe /nopcceshell\" \"%1\"")

#	Create keys for DefaultIcon
icon_path = "\\Storage Card\\python\\lib\\python.exe,0"
for name in ("Python.File", "Python.File."):
    Key = CreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, name)
    New_Key = CreateKey(Key, "DefaultIcon")
    SetValue(New_Key, None, REG_SZ, icon_path)
print 'Icon set to %s' %icon_path

import time
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