Ed Blake wrote:
> --- "Michael Foord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> You ought to check out Wax. It's a friendly Pythonic layer that sits 
>> atop of wx and IMHO is just as easy to use as Tkinter.
> Lol! I've been using/tinkering with firedrop for a few weeks now so I am
> vaguely familier with wax.  I don't really like the idea of using a largish
> wrapper over the top of a huge library though, especially on a small embedded
> device!  Also wax is incomplete, and as I've said I don't know enough Wx to
> fix/add stuff.

I've lost the original email, butI hope this is still on topic:

Now that ctypes works on WindowsCE, someone should revive the venster project!



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