Hi, All.

I have been struggling to get things working with pygame. From trawling
through newsgroups, repositories, and various other places, I have not found
any conclusive method of getting pygame up and running on the WinCE
platform. I think half of the problem is that I am unsure about the entire
structure of pygame, and which parts need to be tweaked to get things
working. So far, I have grasped the following:

- I have the latest pygame source files
- I have or can probably get a working SDL.dll, which is vital to pygame
either by downloading someone else's effort or cross-compiling my own from
the libSDL sources (I realise that SDL_ttf, mixer, image and others are also
useful, but I was just aiming to get the core working first)
- distutils seems to be required to install pygame, but is not available for

Problems I have not been able to solve yet / would greatly appreciate input
& comments on:

- is there already a way to get distutils working with PythonCE? If so,
where can it be found? If not, then:
- what exactly does distutils do? I need to know this so that
workarounds/manual tests can be done to try and achieve the same results
either by tweaking the existing code or writing some alternate code to do
this job - after all, if distutils simply copies all the files in the
correct file structure, then this can be done manually (at least initially
to get things running).
- are there any registry entries that need to be made, or does PythonCE
automatically recognise that a new site-package is present and do all the

I apologise if I am repeating any issues which have already been addressed
(please point me in the right direction).

I would be interested to hear from anyone who has succeeded/failed on this.
I think pygame is a fantastic tool, and would love to get it working with

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