Michael Hudson wrote:

Well, I think this is a subjective judgement -- a matter of
familiarity.  I "play" with Python all the time.  A good start is to
enhance your interactive experience somewhat.  Three options spring to

1) Get readline support working.  If you're still using Apple's
   Python, get bbum's readline.so from


   (is this still the right link?), then add lines like

           import rlcompleter, readline
           readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
       except ImportError:

   to a file called something link ~/.pythonrc and point the
   PYTHONSTARTUP environment variable to it (yikes, this is a bit
   involved...).  Then if you want to see what functions a module
   supports you can do:

       >>> import urllib2
       >>> urllib2.url<HERE I HIT TAB>
       urllib2.url2pathname  urllib2.urlopen       urllib2.urlparse

   and so on:

      >>> data = urllib2.urlopen('http://www.google.com').read()
       >>> data[:10]

2) Install IPython (http://ipython.scipy.org/).  This is a massive
   extension of the above and requires you have readline working.
   I've not used it much, but people like it.  I imagine it has docs

3) Install (my) PyRepl package (http://codespeak.net/pyrpl/), which
   is a different implementation of the same kind of thing.

There are less terminal oriented interactive environments too -- I
think wxPython includes one and PyObjC has a 'PyInterpreter' example.
But to me they don't hold much advantage over the in-Terminal.app

Well, I can just see Troy sitting at his computer reading the above and saying, "I rest my case." :-)

You did somewhat admit that in (1) above and in the remainder of your message so you are honest about the state of affairs. And I thank you for all the information. Now, where to start? Where to start?


Lou Pecora

Code 6362
Naval Research Lab
Washington, DC  20375
Ph:  +202-767-6002

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -  Pythonmac-SIG@python.org

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