On 25-apr-2006, at 19:09, Brendan Simons wrote:

OK, I obviously need to learn a little about the
launch sequence of mac python files.  Here's what I've

1) Double clicking a terminal-based python script from
finder launches PythonLauncher (soon to be a rocket
icon), then the terminal.

That's right. Python Launcher is an helper application for opening .py and .pyw with the plain old command-line python interpreter. The latter is not a real application bundle and can therefore not be associated with file extensions, hence Python Launcher.

2) Running a wx.python script from TextWrangler using
#!/usr/bin/pythonw skips PythonLauncher, and leaves a
"Python" icon (just the 16 ton weight) in the dock
until I quit the wx.app.  Is this the "Python.app"
from the framework?

That's right. The Python.app in the framework contains the binary that will be started when you start pythonw (or python for that matter) from the terminal. This is the command-line python interpreter we all know and love, but stuffed inside an OSX application bundle. The application bundle is necessary to enable access to the window server.

3) Double clicking a wx.python script from finder
launches PythonLauncher, then leaves the "Python" icon
in the dock as before

That's because of (2)

4) Dragging the wx.python script onto buildapplet
makes an application with the blank app icon.  Double
clicking this icon puts a -third- style of icon in the
dock (a 16 ton weight on a panel) with the same name
as my app.

That icon will be replaced by the generic python application icon.

OK, so given this behaviour, I retract my earlier
reccomendation.  If the "Python.app" icon will be
staying in the dock while the app runs (cases 2, 3),
I'm -1 on the rocket, and +1 on the "applet" icon
we're not using yet.

You have some point there. I'm against haveing two different icons for applications. I'll experiment a little with the rocket and application icons to see which looks more natural.

As for case 4, shouldn't the dock icon match the app

They should match. If they don't match you have probably found a bug in the BuildApplet. My guess is that the applet is build in the wrong order and the finder sees the application bundle and extracts (and caches) its icon before the bundle contains the icon.


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