On Apr 25, 2006, at 3:04 PM, Brendan Simons wrote:

> -On Apr 25, 2006, at 1:03 PM, Charles Hartman wrote:
>> On Apr 25, 2006, at 3:40 PM, Brendan Simons wrote:
>>> While you're (re)considering adding Build
> Applet.app
>>> to the distribution, can I suggest another useful
> app?
>>> PyCrust is a great little interactive Python shell
>>> that adds introspection and code completion.  It's
>>> written in wx.python and comes packaged in a .app
>>> bundle with a nice icon :)  You can get a
>>> (pre-release) copy of the universal binary version
>>> here:
> http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wxpython/wxPython2.6-osx-docs-
>>> demos-
>>> The source code is managed as part of wx.python,
> but
>>> this app in particular is pretty stable, and is
> useful
>>> outside of wx. (imho)
>>> It would be a lot nicer to send newbies to pycrust
>>> then to the command line for their first look at
>>> Python.
>> As representative perpetual ignoramus & honorary
> newbie, I agree. I
>> never much noticed PyCrust until "wxPython in
> Action" brought it to
>> my attention, but I think it's great. For me, this
> is the replacement
>> for the late unlamented PythonIDE. And -- if I
> understand rightly --
>> because it doesn't have IDLE's Tkinter underpinnings
> it doesn't make
>> writing GUI code with wxPython difficult. (I suppose
> its wxPython
>> underpinnings could make it difficult to write
> Tkinter code.)
>> This is incorrect.  IDLE should work just fine with
> wxPython, it runs
>> code in a subprocess.  PyCrust on the other hand
> probably does have
>> problems, though.
>> -bob
> Just tried, and neither the IDLE nor PyCrust
> interactive shells supports wx (or any other gui
> framework) out of the box.  IDLE complains about
> needing to use Pythonw, and PyCrust just hangs
> (probably due to the issue Bob mentioned).
> If the interactive shell in IDLE can be made to
> interact with gui's, then it will do I suppose.  (It's
> not as nice as PyCrust, but that's a killer feature).

IDLE will work, it needs a tweak that's not currently present in  
Universal Python.  It was discussed on the list a couple weeks ago,  
I'm not sure if we've made that change to the branch or not.


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